Warning : Work in progess
Call The SalesForce API (v37.0 at this time) in order to call API functionnalities easily. The main advantage is that you don't have to be preoccuped by the token, the library maintains it. Also, you are authentificated correctly to make a CLI application.
$ composer require akeneo-salesforce/salesforce-api
$client = new Akeneo\SalesForce\Connector\SalesForceClient(
new GuzzleHttp\Client(),
new Akeneo\SalesForce\Authentification\AccessTokenGenerator()
This bundle can be easily integrated to a Symfony2 project, you just have to declare two services:
First declare your parameters in your parameters.yml
- sales_force.username
- sales_force.password
- sales_force.client_id
- sales_force.client_secret
- sales_force.login_url (For example: 'https://login.salesforce.com/')
class: Akeneo\SalesForce\Authentification\AccessTokenGenerator
class: Akeneo\SalesForce\Connector\SalesForceClient
- "%sales_force.username%"
- "%sales_force.password%"
- "%sales_force.client_id%"
- "%sales_force.client_secret%"
- "%sales_force.login_url%"
- "@guzzle.client"
- "@akeneo_sales_force.authentification.token_generator"
And then use your client service like any other service.
A QueryBuilder is given to make SOQL query.
See available functionnalities into the class itself.
$queryBuilder = new Akeneo\SalesForce\Query\QueryBuilder();
->where($queryBuilder->getNotEqualCondition('Name', ':nameId'))
->setParameter('nameId', 'AccountPlop')
- Fit the old repo structure -> Thanks to Crunch
- Make tests with PHP Spec
This library is made with <3 by Akeneo
Do not hesitate to contribute.
Maintained by Anaël CHARDAN.