Making a Game of IT We had 6 teams of students each create a video game using pygame, find them here! Find a schedule for the Making a Game of IT programming camp here. Camping Camper-submitted examples here! Day 1 (Monday) - Introduction to Python Introductions & Getting Started Getting Started Python - the very basics Comments in Python Printing to the screen What is a variable? Python can be used as a glorified calculator Getting user input Working with strings Basics - Challenges Basics - Example code Python - conditionals and loops Boolean Operators if, elif, and else while and break for and range Number Guessing Game Number guessing game solution Rock paper scissors Rock paper scissors solution Python - data structures Lists Dictionaries Data structures - example games World guessing game Word guessing game solution Simon Says Simon says solution Day 2 (Tuesday) - Introduction to Pygame Pygame - Graphics Hello, Rectangle Getting in Shape The Cat's Meow Pygame - Animation Pygame - Controls The Big Event Keyed Up Mousing Around Pygame - Text Pygame - Collisions Putting it all together Mouse pew pew shooter Keyboard pew pew shooter Keyboard multi-direction pew pew shooter Day 3 (Wednesday) - Advanced Pygame Pygame - Text, Buttons, and Menus Text Buttons Menus Pygame - Music and sound effects Pygame - High-level structure Day 4 (Thusday) - Game design Functions Jumping around (platforming) Angle shooting Interacting with an NPC More Resources Python v3.7 documentation pygame documentation Thonny Invent with Python's 'Making Games with Python and Pygame' pdf of associated book Guest experts - Emily and Elana Emily's web-based cancer model! Elana's Safe Space game! Instructor Information Dr. Josh Nahum Matthew Andres Moreno Alexander Lalejini (email: [email protected])