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Tex templates for the AMIV CI

Two document classes are provided: amivletter and amivbooklet -- and they are easy to use, take a look in the examples folder to see all available commands and how to use them.

Quick Usage

If you only need to edit or create a single document quickly, this is what you need to do:

  1. Download all amivtex files
  2. Choose:
    • Copy your document into the amivtex subfolder      (put it right next to the .sty and .clsfiles!)
    • Pick the example that fits your intentions best and copy it to the amivtex folder (again, right next to the .sty files)
  3. In your editor, set the engine from LaTex (or whatever is activated) to XeLaTex (otherwise we can't use the DIN Pro font)
  4. Make sure you have the DIN Pro Font installed (see Installation for quick download links)

All done, you can now edit and compile your document!


Prerequisites: Fonts & XeLaTex

The Din Pro font must be installed. It is not public, but available for all ETH Members. For convenience, it can also be found in the AMIV Drive and AMIV Wiki.

To use this font, XeLaTex must be used. On Linux, TexLive includes XeLaTeX, MiKTeX on Windows as well.

Linux & MacOS

Some TeX Editors allow to add additional resources directly. Otherwise, probably the easiest way is to just add amivtex to the local texmf tree.

# Create local texmf tree, be careful to get the subdirectories right
## Linux
mkdir -p ~/texmf/tex/latex/
## MacOS
mkdir -p ~/Library/texmf/tex/latex/

# Clone amivtex and create symlink
git clone
## Linux
ln -s ./amivtex/amivtex ~/texmf/tex/latex
## MacOS
ln -s ./amivtex/amivtex ~/Library/texmf/tex/latex

No further steps necessary, it should be detected automatically. More info here.


MikTex has several options to add .sty files, e.g. a simple command line option --include-directory=<your_amivtex_dir>/amivtex, which can be added in your Tex Editor. (Be careful to include the subdirectory amivtex which actually contains the .sty files) More Info.

Verify your installation

Open one of the example .tex files. If they compile, you are good to go.


If you want to create a python application that requires amivtex, a Docker image is available with python3, xelatex and the templates installed. Begin your Dockerfile with FROM notspecial/amivtex and you are nearly set.

As the Din Pro font is not public, it cannot be included in the public image, but the image contains an entrypoint-script which will install the font at container startup, before the first CMD is executed.

Note: Make sure not to use the ENTRYPOINT instruction in your Dockerfile, or you will overwrite this setup!

The font can be provided in the following ways:

Using docker secrets (recommended)

Docker secrets allow handling sensitive data conveniently. The container accepts an URL to download the fonts as secret. (The URL can be found in the AMIV Wiki)

# Create the secret named 'font_url'
echo "URL" | docker secret create font_url -
# Start your container (which builds on amivtex) with the secret
docker service create --name your_amivtex_app --secret font_url your_amivtex_app_image

The amivtex image looks for the secret at /run/secrets/font_url, so if you name your secret differently, either adjust the mount point or specify the path with the environment variable FONT_URL_FILE:

docker service create \
  --name your_amivtex_app \
  --secret my_secret \
  -e FONT_URL_FILE="/run/secrets/my_secret" \

Using environment vars

If you can't use secrets, you can pass the URL directly with the environment variable FONT_URL.

If you don't want the container to download anything, you can also mount the compressed fonts (.tar.gz) and let the image the path where you mounted the archive with the environment variable FONT_ARCHIVE.


Tex templates for the AMIV CI






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