This is a Live chat project with multiple users using Laravel 8 and Vue JS 2.
The application will have multiple users registered. Any registered user can login to the application and the user will see the other online users over the system. Online users can chat in the real time and online users can also post messages to the offline users. Offline users later can reply the messages, they have received from other users.
This project use Laravel/UI package for authentication.
To configure database settings, please replace '.env.example' file to .env file in the root directory.Find below code and enter your database name, username and password as shown below.
DB_CONNECTION=mysql DB_HOST= DB_PORT=3306 DB_DATABASE=chat_project_2 DB_USERNAME=username DB_PASSWORD=password
After this, please run "php artisan migrate" from the console.
Please create an account with pusher and create an app with pusher. Then, update your pusher settings in .env file as shown in below code.PUSHER_APP_ID=id PUSHER_APP_KEY=key PUSHER_APP_SECRET=secreat PUSHER_APP_CLUSTER=cluster
npm run dev php artisan serve