Base theme taken from Flowbite admin
Currently, these are the features that are almost working:
- Users
- Users can sign in to the application
- The development username and password is automatically picked if configured in
- Listing of user as part of the CRUD is available
- User can be added, edited and deleted
- A user can go to the Profile page and change profile detail
- A user can also upload his/her profile picture
- A user can also change his/her password from the profile page
- There are currently three roles in the app - Customer, Manager and Admin
- Products
- This is part of the commerce features
- Listing of products is visible
- Products can be added, edited and deleted
- Orders
- Right now the orders are system generated
- Listing of Orders along with Order items is visible
- A
runs every minute to add a random number of orders
- Notifications
- An Admin can create a notification which will go to everyone
- An Admin can create a notification and send to specific users only
- Users can click on the Notificatoin bell icon to see all notifications