This project is built for more information about Qatar world cup 2022 which is held in Qatar and hosted on
You can find many useful information about all stadiums for world cup 2022
Stadiums are:
Watch online information about the match is holding at the moment
This information is about team’s possession, passes, attacks, fouls, offside, team tactics, substitutions, cards, referee data and so on.
Today's matches?
You can find more information about today, yesterday and tomorrow matches in the match page
If you click on the matches that are completed, you'll give more data about that match
This project is written on NextJs framework.
To learn more about Next.js, take a look at the following resources:
Next.js Documentation - learn about Next.js features and API.
Learn Next.js - an interactive Next.js tutorial.
Also I've used material ui for design. To get start and find its documentation please take a look at HERE
First of things you should clone or download the project on your local machine.
Then run:
npm install
# or
yarn install
It's depend on you to use them, but I prefer the yarn.
To start the project run:
yarn dev
wait to run the development server, then open http://localhost:3000 (or other port which the dev server is on it)
- Assets
-- fonts (All fonts are here , separated by their type. Also there is a css folder that contains css files of fonts
-- theme (You find theme files in this folder, at this moment we only have one theme)
Components (every general component should be in this folder)
data (All static data will be here, at this moment we have stadiums, group data and also header menu data)
interfaces (you can find general interfaces for general components in this folder)
layout (All layout files are here, we only have one layout at this time)
modules (every section developed as special module with its components, interfaces etc.)
pages (If you familiar with NextJs, you know its routing is folder based. So all pages in this folder)
-- api (NextJs api routes are in this folder)
public (All public files will be there to access them directly on server)
utils (You can find all custom functions in the util folder)
Please feel free to give me your feedbacks, suggestions or any bug reports
My email: [email protected]