If you want to generate a configuration file which includes repeated block config like Nginx or ansible inventory file, this approach can help you create a single config file using terraform template.
This mini project describes how you create Nginx stream configuration file using template. Depends on length of array, multiple rendered files are generated and using provisioner local-exec, they are redirected to a single file.
You create the custom config values in your variables.tf:
targets= [
name = "serverA"
port = 8888
target = "myfirst-server.com"
target_port = 1522
name = "serverB"
port = 5555
target = "mysecond-server.com"
target_port = 5432
And you want to render following template for each server:
server {
listen ${listen_port};
proxy_pass ${target}:${target_port};
proxy_connect_timeout 100s;
After terraform apply the above code block executed 2 times and redirected the contents to one single stream.conf file. The generated file is stored on your local machine under rendered_template/ directory
server {
listen 8888;
proxy_pass myfirst-server.com:1522;
proxy_connect_timeout 100s;
server {
listen 5555;
proxy_pass mysecond-server.com:5432;
proxy_connect_timeout 100s;