This is a personal collection of Docker tools and images.
debian, data, mariadb, nginx and nginx-php are based on Maxexcloo work.
If your development workstation uses ARM64 platform, you need to build Roadiz base images for this CPU architecture.
Check if official images are providing these architectures: then if your OS/ARCH is not available you’ll need to build it. Notice that using BuildX with QEMU may take several minutes depending on your machine.
docker run --privileged --rm tonistiigi/binfmt --install all
- Create a BuildX environment
docker buildx create --name mybuildx
docker buildx ls
- Use your new environment
docker buildx use mybuildx
- Build and push docker image for AMD64 and ARM64
# Login to registry
docker login
# use buildx to build and push multiple platforms
docker buildx build \
--push \
--platform linux/arm64/v8,linux/amd64 --tag roadiz/php80-nginx-alpine:latest .