Created by Tamanji Che & Zakaria Ziouziou
- This app provides users with tools for aiding and encouraging their physical activities, staying fit and healthy.
- Pedometer
- Heart Rate Monitor
- Diet Plans
- Music player
- Instant messageing with other users
- Android Studio: version >= 4.0
- minSDKVersion 23
- targetSDKVersion 30
kotlinOptions { jvmTarget = "1.8" }
git clone // as https git clone [email protected]:ambeche/WorkoutCompanion.git // as ssh
- Open project with Android Studio as an existing project, built and run the project with your android device
- Internal Sensors
- Step Counter
- Accelerometer
- External Sensor
- external Heart rate sensor with Bluetooth LE communication
- Internal Sensors
- Activities
- BroadcastReceiver
- Service
- Provider
Fragements implemented as well
- Room
- SharedPreference
- File
- Network Storage - Firebase
Web Service
- web API For fetching diets plans
- Firebase Authentication
Hardware - Camera
Audio - Music Player
- ViewModel & LiveData
- MPAndroidCharts
- CircularProgressBar
- Lottie
- Anko