Project for the quantum computing exam. The script "" searches for the best individual, understood as a combination of objects in the backpack while respecting the constraint of a maximum weight of 750 units. The focus is on the comparison between analytical, genetic and quantum algorithm. The best inviduo has the value 1458 and weight 749. (data from the creator of the dataset: entry P07. In the repository you also find a presentation I made (sorry for the estetics) which clarifies the purpose and methodology of work. Unfortunately I wrote it partially in italian so things may not be clear, but feel free to reach out to me, I will be happy to explain. I plan on creating a jupyter notebook to show how it works and I will do it in english.
The tuning file also is a mess, I plan to clean it a bit and make it more readable. Its purpuse is to find the best parameters for the genetic algorithms.