A tool that allows users to better understand their surroundings using image processing and speech recognition. Utilizing both Google Cloud Vision API and Houndify's Speech-To-Text API, VisAids lets users ask it questions about their environment and will respond with an answer. It does this by leveraging OpenCV to capture images and by using Text-To-Speech to respond to user queries.
- sox
- json
- io
- sys
- os
- gTTS
- OpenCV
- matplotlib
- Houndify Python SDK
- Google Cloud Vision API
Run this line in terminal: export GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=“/home/user/Downloads/[FILE_NAME].json”
rec -p | sox - -c 1 -r 16000 -t s16 -L - | ./main.py CLIENT ID CLIENT KEY
Replace CLIENT ID and CLIENT KEY with your unique keys on your Houndify Dashboard