This repository builds and publishes Docker image of SonarQube with a number of useful plugins pre-installed. A set of IaC templates have been provided to easily spinup SonarQube environments in corresponding cloud providers.
This docker container comes with multiple plugins pre-packaged to integrate a number of external tools as illustrated in the below diagram.
- SonarQube Community Branch Plugin
- SonarQube Dependency-Check Plugin
- SonarQube plugin for Swift / Objective-C
- SonarQube External Analyzer Plugin
Follow the below steps to build a container.
docker build -t amalabey/sonarqube-supercharged:latest .
You can also use the pre-built images from the this repository in docker-hub.
Follow the below steps to run the image built in the step above.
docker run -d -p 9000:9000 --name sc amalabey/sonarqube-supercharged:latest
You can access the portal on http://localhost:9000. Use admin
as username/password to login. You will be prompted to change the password on first login.
Currently, Infrastructure-as-Code (IaC) templates are available only for Azure. You can also tweak the service sizes and tiers in the provided Bicep template.
cd azure
az deployment group create -g <your-resource-group> --template-file .\main.bicep --parameters dbAdminPassword=<your-db-password> solutionName=sonarqube-sc envPrefix=prod
You will need to change the default admin password at the first login. The default credentials are admin/admin.
Refer to the sample project: amalabey/security-integration-demo on how to get started using this SonarQube environment.