Ad-hoc snakemake recipes for manual assembly steps in BAdAss project.
To use, install snakemake (tested on 5.27.4) and configure an LSF profile
All commands should be executed from top level directory of the project with snakemake in environment
cd /lustre/scratch116/tol/teams/lawniczak/data/badass
conda activate smk
Purge dups with changed thresholds, purging within contigs, and subsequent QC (BUSCO, Merqury, KAT)
source /software/tola/installs/vr-runner/etc/bashrc
bash badass_smk/ -n --config purge_cutoffs=\"5,40,140\" purge_no_e=True -p Anopheles_coustani/working/idAnoZiCoDA-A2_x.hifiasm.20210327/purging_40_e/purge_and_qc.done
Mitohifi on assembly and reads, create an assembly with fixed mitochondrial genome, and check the mitogenome annotation for obvious problems
bash badass_smk/ -n Anopheles_coustani/working/idAnoCousDA-361_x.hifiasm.20210327/mito-purging/mitohifi_asm_and_reads.done
In case mitogenome needs to be substituted from hicanu or reads:
bash badass_smk/ -n Sabethes_cyaneus/working/idSabCyanKW18_F2.hifiasm.20210516/mito-purging/purged_and_htigs_and_mito_from_{hicanu,reads}.fasta
Output filenames of mitohifi and input filenames for downstream processing are currently incompatible, so one needs to rename manually before next step of processing
cd Anopheles_coustani/working/idAnoCousDA-361_x.hifiasm.20210327/mito-purging/
mv purged_and_htigs_and_mito.fasta purged_and_htigs_and_mito.fa
Fix mitogenome rotation and orientation to match Anopheles mt in GenBank which start from tRNA-Ile on + strand
bash badass_smk/ Anopheles_funestus/working/idAnoFuneDA-386_01.hicanu.20210327/mito-purging/final_mitogenome_rotfix.fa
Rotation issue was discovered after bulk of curation requests were submitted, so we need to manually replace mt in draft directory. Note that if the assembly already entered curation (true for most if not all samples), we need to replace decontaminated mt instance.
gzip -c Anopheles_aquasalis/working/idAnoAquaMG-Q_14.hicanu.20210327/mito-purging/final_mitogenome_rotfix.fa > Anopheles_aquasalis/assembly/draft/idAnoAquaMG_Q_14.20210712/idAnoAquaMG_Q_14.20210712.mito.decontaminated.fa.gz
TODO guidelines on replacing mt in curated genomes
Prior to scaffolding in funestus and gambiae, need to collate crams and remove secondary alignments as those were aligned to reference and sorted by coordinate
bash badass_smk/ -n Anopheles_gambiae/genomic_data/idAnoGambDA-150_06/hic-arima2/coord_sorted/collate.done
Collated cram then needs to be unaligned and indexed for curation purposes (samtools v.1.14)
samtools view -bh 35760_2#9.cram | /software/npg/current/bin/bamreset | samtools view -hC > 35760_2#9.unaligned.cram
samtools index 35760_2#9.unaligned.cram
Prior to scaffolding in purge_e contigs, need to cut by Ns
cd Anopheles_funestus/working/idAnoFuneDA-402_03.hifiasm.20210327/mito-purging_e
seqtk cutN -n1 purged_and_htigs_and_mito.fasta | sed 's/:/_/g' | sed 's/-/_/g' > purged_and_htigs_and_mito_cutN.fasta
grep ">ptg" purged_and_htigs_and_mito_cutN.fasta | sed 's/>//g' > ../wdl-purging_e/primary.txt
cp purged_and_htigs_and_mito_cutN.fasta purged_and_htigs_and_mito.fa
Polishing and scaffolding with snakemake (translated from wdl due to difficulties with debugging). Now also includes tweaked salsa scaffolds.
source /software/tola/installs/vr-runner/etc/bashrc
bash badass_smk/ -n Anopheles_funestus/working/idAnoFuneDA-408_06.hifiasm.20210327/scaff_polished.purging.hic.idAnoFuneDA-408_05.qc.done
Scaffolding without polishing where 10x data is not available
source /software/tola/installs/vr-runner/etc/bashrc
bash badass_smk/ -n Anopheles_funestus/working/idAnoFuneDA-402_05.hifiasm.20210327/scaff.purging.hic.idAnoFuneDA-402_09.qc.done
Re-scaffolding tshea assemblies with fixed Salsa - similar to scaffolding without polishing
source /software/tola/installs/vr-runner/etc/bashrc
bash badass_smk/ -n Anopheles_bellator/working/idAnoBellAS-SP24_06.tshea.20210511/scaff.scaffolds.hic.idAnoBellAS-SP24_05.qc.done
Curation inputs (including MAPQ0 pretext)
bash badass_smk/ -n Anopheles_funestus/assembly/draft/idAnoFuneDA_408_06.20210712/idAnoFuneDA_408_06.hifiasm.20210327.scaff_polished.purging.hic.idAnoFuneDA-408_05.draft.yaml
where idAnoFuneDA_408_06
is derived from idAnoFuneDA-408_06
by replacement of dash with underscore, 20210712
is today's date
In cases when mitochondrial genome in hifiasm assembly is not good enough, replace it manually with mitogenome from hicanu assembly or reads
gzip -c Anopheles_aquasalis/working/idAnoAquaMG-Q_14.hicanu.20210327/mito-purging/final_mitogenome.fasta > Anopheles_aquasalis/assembly/draft/idAnoAquaMG_Q_14.20210712/idAnoAquaMG_Q_14.20210712.mito.fa.gz
For assemblies without PacBio data, mitochondrial contigs should be identified separately - usually this does not work
badass_smk/ -n Anopheles_bellator/working/idAnoBellAS-SP24_06.tshea.20210511/mitohifi/final_mitogenome.check.txt
Nucmer dotplots vs reference
bash badass_smk/ -n Anopheles_funestus/working/dot/idAnoFuneDA-402_05.hifiasm.20210327.scaff.purging.hic.idAnoFuneDA-402_09.vs.afunf3.dotprep.done
Adapter trimming and alignment to ref
bash badass_smk/ -n Anopheles_aquasalis/working/
Transcriptome assembly and busco
bash badass_smk/ -n Anopheles_darlingi/working/idAnoDarlMG-G_01.trinity/busco5/busco.done
Compress assembly intermediate files (up to 100k per sample)
bash badass_smk/ -n Anopheles_darlingi/working/idAnoDarlMG-G_01.trinity/read_partitions.tar.gz
see this table
Significant proportion of two haplotypes retained in 9 samples, 3 of those have low coverage (below 15x). Two solutions tested:
- Increase coverage threshold for separating haplotype and diploid peaks
- Enable purging within contigs (remove -e option) - might introduce mis-assemblies, need to split
- idAnoZiCoDA-A2_x - 3.5% busco dups in all runs (internal 12Mbp dup, use default)
- idAnoFuneDA-402_03 - 2.0->0.5% busco dups in no-e (use no-e, need N-split in downstream processing)
- idAnoFuneDA-408_07 - 1.5% busco dups in all runs (use default)
- idAnoGambNW-F1_2 - 2.2->1.8% busco dups in no-e (use no-e)
- idAnoMoucSN-F20_07 - 1.3% busco dups in all runs (use default)
- idAnoNiliSN-F31_02 - 1.1% busco dups in all runs (use default)
- Low coverage samples idAnoFuneDA-402_05, idAnoFuneDA-416_05, idAnoGambDA-150_04 - use default purge
- frameshift indel in ND5, no assembly in reads, tried finding in hicanu assembly
- TODO check annotation and read alignments
- hicanu assembly looks good, replacing
- OK
- OK
- frameshift in COX3, two mt contigs hap_ptg000450l_1_1 (with frameshift) and ptg000420l_1 (without frameshift) - remove both, add only one - purged_and_htigs_and_mito_alt.fasta
- COX3 22bp shorter in query, lack 3' - re-evaluated using coustani ref, cheked annotation in IGV - no stop - use as is
- multiple frameshifts in both potential mt contigs hap_ptg000459l_1_1 and ptg000097l_1. Three contigs in reads, among those, ptg000001l has the least problems - two genes shortened, one of those with stop codon
- reads have similar problems
- run mitohifi on hicanu with coustani reference - looks good, replace two contigs with hicanu
- skip, errors as in idAnoZiCoDA-A2_x purging
- skip, errors as in idAnoZiCoDA-A2_x purging
- skip, errors as in idAnoZiCoDA-A2_x purging
- OK
- OK
- OK
- no mt in reads or assembly, but there are hits in individual reads. Thus, problem with assembly in mitohifi - mt was assembled by hicanu - add to hifiasm assembly
- OK
- skip
- skip
- OK
- no mt in assembly, mt in reads have multiple shorter CDSs
- annotation indicates stop codons,
- tried hicanu mt - both potential contigs look bad
- read+assembly alignments - reads have long deletion and minor issues; hicanu has small indels and SNPs supported by a single read (in both potental contigs)
- use alt mt from hicanu as it seemingly has less errors
- assembly mt has 2 CDSs shorter than expected, reads have no mt
- hicanu mt has multiple shortened CDSs, presumably frameshift at 5' ND5 and 3' ND4
- read+assembly alignments suggest untrue deletions in hifiasm, hicanu looks good, but circularisaion is off
- replace hifiasm mt with hicanu
- OK
- skip
- skip
- OK
- OK
- no mt in assembly, mt asm in reads ok - added mt from reads to asm without replacement
- no mt in assembly, mt asm in reads ok - added mt from reads to asm without replacement
- many frameshifts in assembly, good assembly in reads - replaced with mito from reads
- no mt in assembly, good assembly in reads - added mt from reads to asm without replacement
- no mt in assembly, good assembly in reads - added mt from reads to asm without replacement
- two contigs in assembly hap_ptg000342l_1_1 ptg000384l_1, both with frameshifts, good assembly in reads - remove two contigs and add mito from reads
- skip
- skip
- two contigs in assembly hap_ptg000367l ptg000329l, both with frameshifts, relatively good top assembly (atg000001l only has shorter ATP8) in reads - remove two contigs and add mito from reads
- OK
- OK
- OK
- OK
- skip
- skip
- ok
- skip
- skip
- OK
- two contigs in assembly hap_ptg000505l_1_1 ptg000383l_1, both with frameshifts, reads annotation has truncated ND4 (~500 bp deletion due to frameshift), hicanu mt assembly looks good - replace with hicanu
Polish only samples with 10x, others only scaffold
Scaffolds vs public ref
Done vs purged contigs where available. Otherwise vs existing ref.