In order to run the code from this project, install anaconda and create a conda environment from the provided environment file with
user@pc: $ conda create -f environment.yaml
, activate the new environment with
user@pc: $ conda activate dextgen
and install the dextgen packages from the project root folder with
user@pc: $ pip install .
Instructions on how to use the project are available in the package documentation. To read the documentation, build it from the docs directory with
user@pc: $ make html
and open the index file under 'docs/_build/html/index.html' in the browser of your choice, e.g. with
user@pc: $ firefox _build/html/index.html
The experiment environments are located in the envs module, the learning algorithm is located under mp_rl. The grasp optimization routines are organized in the optim module. Credit to code from external repositories is given in the individual source files.
If you have any issues with the installation of MuJoCo and mujoco-py such as the osmesa.h error, see the instructions on how to resolve common issues.