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Registry Changes

alvinhochun edited this page Mar 7, 2016 · 3 revisions

Also see unofficial registry explorations at:

#Perceived Type#

I would think that Krita images should be marked as Image, but Document could also be a possibility. Paint .NET sets .pdn files to Image too. Anyone knows what Photoshop does?

Also, I forgot to consider that Krita "images" can also have animations in it... But GIFs are also marked as Image, so...

#Property Lists#

See the registry changes.

#Thumbnail Overlay Icon#

The MSDN docs says to set the TypeOverlay value under the .<ext> key, but if the PerceivedType is set to Image, the TypeOverlay set under HKCR\SystemFileAssociations\image (which is an empty value) will override the one set under .<ext>. Setting TypeOverlay under ProgId, however, seems to override the one set by the perceived type.

In the future if custom icon handlers are implemented, we could possibly set it to %1 and see if it works. Doesn't work.

Probably should just use the Krita application icon. Since we can't leave it to default (SystemFileAssociations overrides default), we'll need to specify the Krita.exe.

#Resulting Registry Changes# Full registry changes I made to enable properties display in Windows Explorer:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

;@="Krita.Document" ; ProgId, Set by installer, other installer values not listed

; The ProgId should match the one in `.<ext>` as above
"TypeOverlay"="\"C:\\Program Files\\Krita (x64)\\bin\\krita.exe\",0"
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