wrtie in terminal
gnome-text-editor ~/.config/fish/functions/fish_greeting.fish
or choose any your fish_greetings file path
and paste this code below
function fish_greeting
# Получаем имя с GitHub
set_color magenta
set username "YOUR_USER_NAME"
set user_info (curl -s https://api.github.com/users/$username)
set name (echo $user_info | jq -r '.name')
echo "👋 Привет Senior 📚 Golang Developer, $name!"
set_color normal
echo "🕒 The time is "(date)
# Получаем курсы доллара
set dollar_to_rub (curl -s https://api.exchangerate-api.com/v4/latest/USD | jq '.rates.RUB')
set dollar_to_kgs (curl -s https://api.exchangerate-api.com/v4/latest/USD | jq '.rates.KGS')
echo "💵 The current exchange rate of USD to RUB is $dollar_to_rub"
echo "💶 The current exchange rate of USD to KGS is $dollar_to_kgs"
# Получаем задачи из Habitica
set api_user "YOUR_USER_ID" # Замените на ваш API User ID
set api_token "YOUR_USER_API_TOKEN" # Замените на ваш API токен
# Получаем список задач
set tasks (curl -s -H "x-api-user: $api_user" -H "x-api-key: $api_token" https://habitica.com/api/v3/tasks/user)
echo -e "\n--- Ваши задачи Habitica ---\n"
# Отображаем ежедневные дела
echo "🗓️ Ежедневные дела:"
echo $tasks | jq -r '.data[] | select(.type == "daily") | "\(.text) - Status: \(.completed | if . then "✅" else "❌" end)"' | column -t -s '-'
# Отображаем обычные задачи
echo -e "\n🐾 Обычные задачи:"
echo $tasks | jq -r '.data[] | select(.type == "todo") | "\(.text) - Status: \(.completed | if . then "✅" else "❌" end)"' | column -t -s '-'
echo -e "\n---------------------------\n"
# Получаем погоду (замените CITY и API_KEY на свои данные)
set city "YOUR_CITY_NAME" # Замените на ваш город
set api_key "YOUR_USER_WEATHER_API" # Замените на ваш OpenWeather API ключ
set weather (curl -s "http://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/weather?q=$city&appid=$api_key&units=metric&lang=ru")
set temperature (echo $weather | jq '.main.temp')
set weather_desc (echo $weather | jq -r '.weather[0].description')
echo "🌤️ Текущая погода в $city: $temperature°C, $weather_desc"
# Предложение по саморазвитию
set suggestion (curl -s https://api.adviceslip.com/advice | jq -r '.slip.advice')
echo "💡 Предложение по саморазвитию: $suggestion"