This server contains the main endpoints for authentication and saving calendar events via tokens.
First, clone the repo and move into the project
git clone
cd calendar-server
You can install the dependencies with the following command:
composer install
After that you need to setup .env file, so copy the env.template file.
cp .env.example .env
Then, edit database name, user and password.
You must generate the encryption key into the project.
php artisan key:generate
When the environment variables have set up already, you need to run the migrations.
php artisan migrate
Or run the following command to create generic data and a test user.
php artisan migrate:fresh --seed
Use the following command to run the server on localhost:8000.
php artisan serve
You can see the endpoints.
php artisan route:list
You can use postman to test each endpoint. However, I've added a calendar events app done with react. You just visit localhost:8000
If you have run the migrations with a test user, use this credentials to authenticate.
email: [email protected]
password: test1234