#Projectname=symantec_swv_sws_tools #Fileversion= #Filename=psexec_vir_eng.exe
It was made for use with free tools like psexec, psloggedon from sysinternals, notepad and vnc. The goal is to make administrative tasks of computers with symantec virtual programs simpler. Hope you enjoy it as much as i do! Can be modified under GLP as long as my name is mentioned!
psexec, psloggedon must be downloaded from microsoft: https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/pxexec.aspx & https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/psloggedon.aspx
Vnc must be downloaded from: https://www.realvnc.com/download/vnc
Just drop the files in the same directory as the executable and play around. You have to start the program as an adminuser with access to the c$ on the remote computers you work with.
All outputs are shown in notepad from log files, and so they can be copyed and edited on all windows machines.
Latest features are:
Check if the computer/ip you want to access is on via ping, and then the reply time is shown in ms. Warn us it may not excist if it doesn't reply to ping. Then check if your user has the needed admin access to c$ drive and warns if you don't have
Show reboot time on computer if streaming agent is installed.
Start psexec shell for work on remote computer
Start vnc (can also show if someone is loggedon remotely using psloggedon before vnc is optionally started
Pc info: normally using info from _ac folder for streaming agent. If that is not found it uses systeminfo
Shows all running processes on computer, arranged by alphabet a-x and using notepad as viewer for output from logfile
Show virtual packages and using notepad as viewer for output from logfile
Show package properties and using notepad as viewer (also supports wildcards * if you want to do operation on all layers)
Reset virtual packages and using notepad as viewer (also supports wildcards * if you want to do operation on all layers)
Deactivate virtual packages and using notepad as viewer (also supports wildcards * if you want to do operation on all layers)
Reactivate virtual packages and using notepad as viewer (also supports wildcards * if you want to do operation on all layers)
Show streaming packages and using notepad as viewer for output from logfile
Fix streaming packages shortcuts and using notepad as viewer for output from logfile
Remove all streaming packages and using notepad as viewer for output from logfile
Open c$
Open logfiles from operations done on computers with this program (all operations on layers are logged)
I have also put a lot of error handling if req. programfiles is missing, or you don't have access to remote computer resources, if it can't be pinged etc.
The translations from Norwegian may be a little bit bad, but it should be understandable :P
- Known limitations: It's programmed in autoit, so all the functions is executed in serial, it means that if you push a button, we have to wait for the function to do it's purpose or time out and fail before the next will be exectuted.