A program to create beautiful lead sheets using Python, Lilypond, and LaTeX, with templates and a collection of Yiddish folksongs
Visit the collection: https://liderbukh.jews.international/
- pyratemp
- yaml
- click
- mistune
- multicol
- verse
- fontspec
- graphicx
- polyglossia
- fancyhdr
$ chmod +x liderbukh.py
$ ./liderbukh.py --help
usage: liderbukh.py [-h] [-d] [-n] [-i] [query [query ...]]
positional arguments:
query list of entries to compile
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-d, --display display data tree or query
-n, --no-write generate tree but don't write any files
-i, --index-only write index.html only
- Add option to create a single, book-style pdf
- Add transposition support?
- Make some meta fields required
- Add auto generated "version" and "last updated" field to song meta, and display it in the index and possibly in the pdf.
- Add html templates for individual songs, with notes