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Quick startup to using the FAS cluster to train, evaluate, and analyze video with DeepLabCut

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Quick startup guide to using the FAS cluster to train, evaluate, and analyze video with DeepLabCut. Some modifications have been made to accommodate parallelization and alternative directory structures at the analysis phase.

If you are unfamiliar with cluster computing, a good place to start is here and here.

Training a new neural network

I. Label Frames Locally

(Credit to Korleki)

This is the only part of the workflow that is done on your local computer. Make sure you have Fiji installed, as well as the Generating_a_Training_Set directory cloned from the local directory of this repo.

0. Configuration of your project:

Edit in the Generating_a_Training_Set folder.

1. Selecting data to label:
cd Generating_a_Training_Set
2. Label the frames:
  • open ImageJ or Fiji

  • File > Import > Image Sequence alt text

  • within pop-up window navigate to folder with images to be labeled (Generating_a_Training_Set -> data-YOUR_NETWORK) alt text

  • click first image, then click open

  • you will see window pop up named "Sequence Options"

    alt text

  • Make sure 2 boxes are checked: "Sort names numerically" and "Use virtual stack"

  • window will pop up with all your images in stack (scroll bar at bottom)

  • in tool bar (with File, Edit, etc), click Multi-point button (to right of angle button and to left of wand button)

    • you may see this botton as "point tool" (single star). if this happens, right click and change to be multi-point alt text alt_text
  • click on body features in EXACT order for every image (order specified in - Step 2, bodyparts variable)

    alt text

    (if a point can't be determined, click in the top left corner of the image, so that X and Y positions are less than 50 pixels) alt text

  • once you get through all frames, go to Analyze -> Measure alt text

  • window will pop up: "Results"

    • the points you labeled will appear in rows, with each column representing a different feature of that point
    • make sure that the number of rows corresponds to N x BP where N = number of frames and BP = number of body parts you label in each frame alt text
  • save Results window as "Results.csv" in same folder as the images you're labeling alt text

3. Formatting the data I:
4. Checking the formatted data:
5. Formatting the data II:

II. Configuring the Anaconda environment on the cluster

1. Copy all folders in the remote directory of this repo to your directory on the cluster

This directory is probably called something like /n/holystore01/LABS/uchida_users/Users/$YOUR_RC_ID. Since your folders are currently local, you'll have to do this with either scp or a client like FileZilla, e.g.

scp -r remote [email protected]:/n/holystore01/LABS/uchida_users/Users/$YOUR_RC_ID

You'll have to make sure to overwrite the default file in the configs folder with your own, which is currently only local!

2. Log in to the cluster and start an interactive session.

In this example, I request two hours and 4 GB of RAM on the test partition.

srun --pty -p test -t 2:00:00 --mem 4G /bin/bash

For help on how to use the cluster, see this page:

3. Load the Anaconda environment from a .yml file.

First, cd to whereever you uploaded the contents of the remote directory. You may want to rename it to DeepLabCut, e.g.

cd /n/holystore01/LABS/uchida_users/Users/$YOUR_RC_ID
mv remote DeepLabCut
cd DeepLabCut

This folder should contain TF1_3GPUEnv_DeeperCut.yml. Then,

module load Anaconda3/5.0.1-fasrc01
module load cuda/8.0.61-fasrc01 cudnn/6.0_cuda8.0-fasrc01
conda env create -f TF1_3GPUEnv_DeeperCut.yml

(Thanks to Gerald Pho for this step.)

III. Training the deep neural network

1. Get the pretrained networks.
cd pose-tensorflow/models/pretrained
curl | tar xvz
curl | tar xvz
2. Copy the two folders generated from the Formatting the data II step to /pose-tensorflow/models/.

Since your folders are currently local, you'll have to do this with either scp or a client like FileZilla. For example, assuming you extracted everything to a directory titled DeepLabCut, then from a local command line, you'd run:

scp -r YOURexperimentNameTheDate-trainset95shuffle1 [email protected]:/n/holystore01/LABS/uchida_users/Users/$YOUR_RC_ID/DeepLabCut/pose-tensorflow/models/
scp -r UnaugmentedDataSet_YOURexperimentNameTheDate [email protected]:/n/holystore01/LABS/uchida_users/Users/$YOUR_RC_ID/DeepLabCut/pose-tensorflow/models/
3. Start training

Make sure to edit the path in first!

cd pose-tensorflow

If this is working properly, it will take ~10 hours to run.

IV. Evaluate your network

cd ../evaluation-tools

Evaluation metrics will be printed to STDOUT, and images will be saved in the evaluation-tools directory in a new folder called LabeledImages_....

V. Analyzing videos

0. Configuration of your project

Edit: in the configs folder within remote. If you do this locally (recommended), don't forget to re-upload to the cluster!

1. Analyzing/making labeled videos:
cd ../analysis-tools

This step can be easily parallelized, making it ideal to be run on the cluster! For example, let's say you wanted to run each recording session as its own job. This is more efficient when there are many short trials, which don't deserve their own job or job array because of load on the Slurm scheduler. Use:

cd ../analysis-tools/parallel-session

If you had relatively few sessions but many trials, each named something like path-to-file/trial_$trial-num, and each trial was relatively long, it would be more efficient to submit each trial as a task within a job array. For example, try:

cd ../analysis-tools/parallel-trial

However, note that these parallelization methods are all directory structure and naming-convention dependent. The code is provided to give you an idea of how to do this, but it should not be expected to work out of the box.


Quick startup to using the FAS cluster to train, evaluate, and analyze video with DeepLabCut






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