This project is an implemention of a basic game based on previous assignment.
In this game we play with Robots collecting Fruits on a weighted graph.
The goal of the game is to earn as many points as possible in given time. (30-60 seconds)
The game has 24 levels, starting in 0 and the level of difficulty increases, each level can be exported to KML file.
The game can be play in 2 modes: Manual(by user) , Auto(by computer)
Addition for Ex4:
You can watch your own stats and other players' stats using MySQL database.
The project is made out 3 packages taken from previous assignment - Ex2
- algorithms
- dataStructure
- utils
The package we programmed in this game is gameClient contains 8 classes:
- Fruit
- Robot
- GameArena
- AutoGame
- ClientThread
- MyGameGUI
- KML_Logger
- ServerDB (added in Ex4)
(More details about the classes can be found on Wiki)