Auto generate openapi(swagger) scheme for molecular and zod (together with
npm i moleculer-auto-zod-openapi --save
Create openapi.service.js with content:
const Openapi = require("moleculer-auto-zod-openapi");
module.exports = {
name: 'openapi',
mixins: [Openapi],
settings: {
// all setting optional
openapi: {
info: {
// about project
description: "Foo",
title: "Bar",
tags: [
// you tags
{ name: "auth", description: "My custom name" },
components: {
// you auth
securitySchemes: {
myBasicAuth: {
type: 'http',
scheme: 'basic',
And add resolvers to your webapi service:
module.exports = {
name: `api`,
mixins: [ApiGateway],
settings: {
routes: [
// moleculer-auto-zod-openapi routes
path: '/api/openapi',
aliases: {
'GET /openapi.json': 'openapi.generateDocs', // swagger scheme
'GET /ui': 'openapi.ui', // ui
'GET /assets/:file': 'openapi.assets', // js/css files
Use to describe params :
// It's easier to set up your validator objects outside of the service constructor so you can more easily access the typings later.
const simpleValidator = new ZodParams({
string: z.string(),
number: z.number(),
optional: z.any().optional()
const complexValidator = new ZodParams({
string: z.string(),
number: z.number(),
object: z.object({
nestedString: z.string(),
nestedBoolean: z.boolean()
}, {
partial: true,
catchall: z.number()
name: "example",
actions: {
simpleExample: {
params: simpleValidator.schema, //openapi docs will be generated based on this schema
handler(ctx: Context<typeof simpleValidator.context>) { ... }
complexExample: {
params: complexValidator.schema,
handler(ctx: Context<typeof complexExample.context>) { ... }