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Pipeline basics

swo edited this page Oct 20, 2014 · 4 revisions

Input data

Input data should be in FASTQ format. A FASTQ file has entries of four lines each:

  • the sequence ID or read ID line, which is required to start with the symbol @
  • the sequence line, which contains the sequence using the characters ACGT
  • a line that must begin with + and which can be empty of be a copy of the ID line
  • the quality line, whose alphabet can differ

Data I've recently gotten from the BMC is in Illumina 1.4-1.7 format (with the read shortened for legibility):


This format includes the barcode read (or index read or multiplex tag) on the ID line after a #. This is (apparently) how the Illumina pipeline exports its data for Cassava versions 1.4 through 1.8, at which time the ID line will look like

@EAS139:136:FC706VJ:2:2104:15343:197393 1:Y:18:ATCACG

where the barcode is now at the very end of the line.

Note also that the quality scores here are in ascii base 64 (going from low score b to high score h). usearch uses base 33 (low score 1 to high score J). However, usearch requires that the @ line end with 1 or 2, so we use a mixed format in this pipeline.

See also: FASTQ format (wikipedia), Quality scores (usearch)

Converting formats

Before doing anything, you should check that your data is in an acceptable input format with

Splitting FASTQs

Primer removal and quality filtering are both embarrassingly parallel computing tasks: every FASTQ entry can be processed independent of all the others. The pipeline might split up the FASTQ files to utilize all available CPUs for this part of the job.

Merging reads

Forward and reverse reads that came from the same molecule should have the same sequence ID. If they are long enough to overlap, they can be intersected or merged. In some cases, the merged read allows improved confidence of nucleotide values in the middle of the read where qualities are typically most poor.

The pipeline currently merges reads by calling usearch's -fastq_mergepairs command.

usearch spits out the statistics about how well your merging went, for example::

1160817  Pairs                                    
1020386  Converted (87.9%)
292408  Exact overlaps (25.19%)
140422  Not aligned (12.10%)
4671  Gaps
6311260  Mismatches
3327666  Fwd errs
2983594  Rev errs
9  Staggered

The usearch page has a decent explanation of quality scores of merged reads.

Removing primers

The input entry above was from a run with primer sequence

ACGAAGTGCCAGCMGCCGCGGTAA searches for this primer in the sequence line and then trims the sequence and quality lines to produce an output like


The primer ended on the nucleotide just below the # on the previous line, so that's where the trimmed begins.

See also: [Removing primers]


Every forward and reverse read has a barcode associated with it. If a read doesn't match a known barcode, that read should be thrown out. If a barcode matches a known barcode, the read is assigned to that sample.

For example, if there is a line in the barcode mapping file

HSD_group2_day15_animal7	CTAGAATC

then we can tell that the above read came from that sample, so after demultiplexing that FASTQ entry will read


where 234 indicates that this was the 234th read associated with that sample. Only the first line has changed.

Quality filtering

Every nucleotide in a read has an associated quality score. If we have low confidence in a nucleotide, we should throw it out. Reads that have poor quality overall should also be thrown out.

SmileTrain uses usearch to do quality filtering. There are some nice explanations about quality filtering parameters on the usearch website. By default, SmileTrain truncates reads based on nucleotide quality and also discards entire reads based on expected number of errors in the entire read.

The pipeline currently supports quality filtering using usearch, which spits out some nice information::

912569  FASTQ recs (912.6k)                                      
158310  Low qual recs discarded (expected errs > 2.00)
754259  Converted (754.3k, 82.7%) 


Simple dereplication looks for identical sequences and keeps only one copy. The dereplication script looks through the output from the quality filtering and keeps track of the number of times each sequence appears. It gives each sequence a unique ID and reports its sequence in a dereplicated fasta file with entries like::


which means that the sequence ACGTACGT appeared 123 times and it has the new ID seq0.

If barcodes were included, a separate index file is produced. This file keeps track of how many times each sequence occurred in each sample. It has lines like::

sample1 seq0    97

which means that, of seq0's 123 total appearances, 97 were in sample1.

OTU calling


usearch produces a .uc file, which has a tab-separated format. The important fields are

  • Field 1 : H (hit) or N (no hit in the database).
  • Field 4 : percent identity with hit (although there is something funny here).
  • Field 9 : the fasta ID
  • Field 10 : the ID from the reference database

See also the full page: [OTU calling]

De novo

Making OTU tables