Designed for use with GitHub Classroom, this repository contains the solution materials for Practical 7 in Computer Science 100.
Since the Travis builds for this repository will initially fail (as evidenced by a red ✗ appearing in the commit logs instead of a green ✔), the programmer is responsible for completing all of the steps needed to satisfy the requirements for the assignment, thus causing a ✔ to instead appear in the commit logs.
In this practical students are invited to learn about the ethical and social impact of computer science, to explore ideas around ethical training of computer scientists, and to investigate various code of ethics in the field of computing and their implications. Participating in team discussions and broader class discussions, each team is required answer the (what, why and how) questions related to ethics and computer science found in the reflection Markdown document.
This assignment uses Travis CI to automatically run GatorGrader every time you commit to your GitHub repository. The checking will start as soon as you have accepted the assignment — thus creating your own private repository — and the course instructor and/or GitHub enables Travis for it. If you are using Travis for the first time, you will need to authorize Travis CI to access the private repositories that you created on GitHub. If you do not see either a yellow ● or a green ✔ or a red ✗ in your listing of commits, then please ask the instructor to see whether or not Travis CI was correctly enabled.
If you have found a problem with this assignment's provided source code or documentation, then you can go to the Java Assignment Starter 100-01 repository and raise an issue. If you have found a problem with the GatorGrader tool and the way that it checks your assignment, then you can also raise an issue in that repository. To ensure that your issue is properly resolved, please provide as many details as is possible about the problem that you experienced. If you discover a problem with the assignment sheet for this project, then please raise an issue in the GitHub repository that provides the assignment sheets for your course.
Whenever possible, individuals who find, and use the appropriate GitHub issue tracker to correctly document, a mistake in any aspect of this assignment will receive free GitHub stickers and extra credit towards their grade for the project.
If you are having trouble completing any part of this project, then please talk with either the course instructor or a technical leader during the course session. Alternatively, you may ask questions in the Slack workspace for this course. Finally, you can schedule a meeting during the course instructor's office hours.