Designed for use with GitHub Classroom, this repository contains the class participation materials for Computer Science 100-01. All of the work that you do in class will count towards your class participation grade.
In this class students will use Gradle and GatorGrader tools to help check and complete assignments. Gradle is a build automation tool that compiles (builds) and runs programs for you so that you do not have to enter multiple commands. Additionally, it can perform extra checks, for example ensuring that your program satisfies the styling guidelines.
GatorGrader is an automated grading tool developed by Allegheny computer science students under the direction of Dr. Kapfhammer. It relies on Gradle and can be used to check the correctness of the assignment completion before submitting it. GatorGrader will be used for all lab and practical assignments.
If you are using Docker Desktop you will run a docker run
command to execute and test your programs.
First, navigate to your "class_activities" directory.
To ensure that the docker run
command will work correctly, you
should create the cache directory by running the command mkdir $HOME/.dockagator
To enter an "interactive terminal" that will
allow you to repeatedly run commands within the Docker container, enter the following
docker run
command into your terminal.
docker run -it --rm --name dockagator \
-v "$(pwd)":/project \
-v "$HOME/.dockagator":/root/.local/share \
gatoreducator/dockagator /bin/bash
This command will use "$(pwd)"
(i.e., the current directory) as
the project directory and "$HOME/.dockagator"
as the cached GatorGrader
directory. Please note that both of these directories must exist, although only
the project directory must contain something. Generally, the project directory
should contain the source code as
provided to a student through GitHub. Additionally, the cache directory should
not contain anything other than directories and programs created by DockaGator,
thus ensuring that they are not otherwise overwritten during the completion of
the assignment.
Now you can type gradle build
to compile your class program and gradle run
to execute it.
On Windows Home, if you have installed the specified software during lab 01, then you can run
the gradle build
and gradle run
or gradle -q --console plain run
commands directly in the terminal from your "class_activities" directory.
You can also complete several important Java programming tasks by using the
gradle clean
: clean the project of all the derived filesgradle check
: check the quality of the code using Checkstylegradle build
: create the bytecode from the Java source codegradle run
: run the Java program in the command-linegradle -q --console plain run
: run the Java program while suppressing unnecessary gradle outputgradle tasks
: display details about the Gradle system
To run one of these commands, you must be in the main (or "home base") directory
for this assignment where the build.gradle
file is located. Then, you can type
the command in the terminal and study the output.
When the course instructor provides the new material for the in-class activity, you can type this command in the main directory for this repository:
git remote add download
You should only need to type this command once; typing the command additional times may yield an error message but will not negatively influence the state of your repository. Now, you are ready to download the updates provided by the course instructor by typing:
git pull download master
This second command can be run whenever the course instructor needs to provide you with new source code for this assignment. However, please note that, if you have edited the files that the course instructor updated, running the previous command may lead to Git merge conflicts. If this happens, you may need to manually resolve them with the help of the instructor or a teaching assistant.
If you have found a problem with this assignment's provided source code, then you can go to the Computer Science 100-01 Participation repository and create an issue by clicking the "Issues" tab and then clicking the green "New Issue" button. If you have found a problem with the GatorGrader tool and the way that it checks you assignment, then you can follow the aforementioned steps to create an issue in its repository. To ensure that your issue is properly resolved, please provide as many details as is possible about the problem that you experienced. Students who find — and use the appropriate GitHub issue tracker to correctly document — a mistake in any aspect of these in-class assignments will receive free GitHub stickers and extra credit towards their grade for it.
If you are having trouble completing any part of this project, then please talk with either the course instructor or a teaching assistant during the laboratory session. Alternatively, you may ask questions in the Slack workspace for this course. Finally, you can schedule a meeting during the course instructor's office hours.