A work-in-progress Idris Mode for Atom.
It supports:
- Typechecking (ctrl-alt-r)
- Case-splitting (ctrl-alt-c)
- Clause-adding (ctrl-alt-a)
- Proof-search (ctrl-alt-s)
- Showing the types of a variable (ctrl-alt-t)
- Show the doc for a variable (ctrl-alt-d)
- make-with (ctrl-alt-w)
- make-case (ctrl-alt-m)
- make-lemma (ctrl-alt-l)
- Showing holes
- ipkg highlighting
- REPL (ctrl-alt-enter)
The package should work after installation. The only thing you might need to
set is the path to the idris
executable in the config of this package.
If it doesn't work it's probably a bug.
There is a tutorial on how to use the editor under documentation/tutorial.md
Place your ipkg file in the top level directory of your project. There is more information available in a in a separate documentation.
- Add better support for drawing attention to error-messages
- Improve the syntax-highlighting (the current is based on the Sublime plugin)
- Add autocompletion
- ...
To work on this plugin you need to clone it into your atom directory
and rename the folder to language-idris
or the package settings won't get picked up.
Then you need an apm install
from the language-idris
folder to install the dependencies.
Or you can execute apm dev language-idris
. This will install the package in a separate directory and you need to start
Atom in dev-mode to load the development packages (atom -d your/folder