Directories in this repository hold stand-alone code clusters that demonstrate bare-bones functionalities.
Generally, a requirements.txt file is included to document dependencies installed on the virtual environment.
start_a_web_server_in_node.js: Pure Node.js, using the http module, to start a web server that listens on port 3000.
Code in v1 was written between 2014-2018. It makes use of Python 2.7 and mostly pre-ES6 JavaScript, and focused on providing guidance for developers working with Flask, Django, and libraries for use with them.
add basic svg shapes: Sets up an svg canvas on a page and adds a circle and a square
add translation to a django app: Allows users to switch back and forth between English and Spanish. Note settings in,,,, and the creation of a locale directory.
call an api through jquery ajax: Calls the Google books API using jQuery's AJAX method and places some of the book's info in divs, also using jQuery
call a sunlight api: Calls the Sunlight API to look for a phrase that the user specifies. Prints it our pretty with prettyprint.
call the google geocode API: Lets you enter in an address and retrieve its latitude and longitude
call the Salesforce api: Calls the Salesforce API and makes a query to find people signed up for housing alerts using the Python SimpleSalesforce package.
call the twitter api: Calls the Twitter API and asks for all the recent Tweets that mention #yesallwomen
create a bare bones angular app: Creates a single-page Angular.js app that checks in/removes event attendees and displays current attendees in a list
launch a Flask app with a bare bones skeleton: Launches an app that says 'Hello, world' in the browser, but has the full (yet bare) skeleton that larger apps will need.
make a div disappear using jquery: Uses the jQuery click event and fadeOut() method to make a div disappear when you click it
make a widget using an iframe: Shows the mechanics of widgetizing an existing Django app.
read a csv: Uses Python's csv package to open a .csv file and print out values in its first two columns for every row in that file
rearrange a pdf: Use the pyPdf library to pull out two pages of a PDF and make a new PDF out of them, with a printout of how many pages it has.
run a unit test: A example of the flow of test-driven development using the Python unittest module
scrape a web page with Beautiful Soup: A simple use of BeautifulSoup to scrape links from an article about women DJs.
scrape email archives with lxml: Looks at a table of a list's mailman archives, downloads each archive and unzips if necessary, puts all contents into one long text file
send a text message in twilio: Send a basic text message to one number using the Twilio REST API
toggle a strikethrough for a line of text in jquery Uses the toggleClass() method to add and remove a class (that has a strikethrough) to a line of text
turn an email archive into a csv: Basic string functions and loops parse email text to make a csv with fields for sender, subject, date, thread, content
use a simple django form: Lets the user, without logging in, enter a zip code into a single-field form, looks up service providers who match that zip code in a Postgres database, and spits out the results onto a second view.