This program implements a console based Bitmap Editor. It allows users to create a bitmap image and perform different operations on it.
In order to start the program. Go to console and type ruby runner.rb
The input consists of a string containing a sequence of commands, where a command is represented by a single capital letter at the beginning of the line. Parameters of the command are separated by white spaces and they follow the command character.
Pixel co-ordinates are a pair of integers: a column number between 1 and 250, and a row number between 1 and 250. Bitmaps starts at coordinates 1,1. Colours are specified by capital letters.
There are 8 supported commands:
- I M N - Create a new M x N image with all pixels coloured white (O).
- C - Clears the table, setting all pixels to white (O).
- L X Y C - Colours the pixel (X,Y) with colour C.
- V X Y1 Y2 C - Draw a vertical segment of colour C in column X between rows Y1 and Y2 (inclusive).
- H X1 X2 Y C - Draw a horizontal segment of colour C in row Y between columns X1 and X2 (inclusive).
- S - Show the contents of the current image
- ? - Displays help text
- X - Terminate the session
In the example below, > represents input
> I 5 6
> L 2 3 A
> S
> V 2 3 6 W
> H 3 5 2 Z
> S
To run the test suite available with this project run: bundle exec rspec spec/