This is a dead and unsupported project. Developers who are new to clojure web development are recommended to try the excellent lein-ring plugin. If you are mixing Clojure with servlets then the lein-servlet plugin should fit your needs.
This plugin creates standard war files for use with java web application servers and is not useful when developing for the Google App Engine.
This plugin is available at
:dev-dependencies [[ "0.0.13"]]
An example application using the plugin is at:
The best place for discussion and support is the Clojure web development google group:
This plugin adds three commands to leiningen:
Create a web.xml file if one does not already exist. For most non-trivial applications this file will need to be edited manually.
By default the file is created in src/web.xml but this can be overidden
by setting :webxml
in your :war
configuration in project.clj.
The servlet class is assumed to be the first entry in the
setting given in project.clj.
Create a war file containing the following directory structure:
destination default source project.clj
WEB-INF/web.xml src/web.xml :war {:webxml}
WEB-INF/classes classes :compile-path
WEB-INF/lib lib :library-path
/ src/html :war {:web-content}
WEB-INF/classes resources :resources-path
WEB-INF/classes src :source-path
Artifacts listed in :dev-dependencies
will not copied into the war file. The name
of the war file defaults to $PROJECT-$VERSION.war, however, it can be overridden
by setting :war :name
in project.clj.
This command does not include dependencies in the war file and is intended for cases where the servlet container classpath is setup manually.
Create a war file containing the following directory structure:
destination default source project.clj
WEB-INF/web.xml src/web.xml :war {:webxml}
WEB-INF/classes classes :compile-path
/ src/html :war {:web-content}
WEB-INF/classes resources :resources-path
WEB-INF/classes src :source-path
(defproject example "0.0.1"
:dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.2.0"]
[org.clojure/clojure-contrib "1.2.0"]]
:dev-dependencies [[ "0.0.12"]])
lein war
will create a war file with the following structure:
WEB-INF/web.xml <--- taken from src/web.xml
WEB-INF/classes <---- taken from classes
index.html <---- taken from src/html/index.html
lein uberwar
will create a similar directory structure with the addition:
WEB-INF/lib <---- taken from lib
(defproject example "0.0.1"
:dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.2.0"]
[org.clojure/clojure-contrib "1.2.0"]]
:dev-dependencies [[ "0.0.12"]]
:war {:webxml "war/example.xml"
:web-content "html"}
:compile-path "build"
:library-path "libs"
:resources-path "war/resources")
lein war
will create a war file with the following structure:
WEB-INF/web.xml <--- taken from war/example.xml
WEB-INF/classes <---- taken from build
index.html <---- taken from html/index.html
WEB-INF/classes/templates <---- taken from war/resources/templates
lein uberwar
will create a similar directory structure with the addition:
WEB-INF/lib <---- taken from libs
The default filename used for the .war file is $PROJECT-$VERSION.war. You can change this
by specifying the :name
key in your :war
configuration in project.clj. Don't forget to
include ".war" on the end of the name.