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@li-jia-nan li-jia-nan released this 28 Jan 16:42
· 51 commits to master since this release

What's Changed

  • ✨ feat: useKeyPress callback passes in the triggered shortcut key by @Simon-He95 in #2170
  • ✨ feat(useDrag): useDrag adds custom picture feature by @kakachake in #2182
  • ✨ feat(useInViewport): add callback options and target support array by @coderluojz in #2061
  • ✨ feat(useInfiniteScroll): add error result by @hchlq in #2275
  • 🐛 fix(useTextSelection): keep the selected text range when secondary button of mouse is pressed by @Ali-ovo in #2232
  • 🐛 fix: useDebounce issue in WeChat by @crazylxr in #1472
  • 🐛 fix(useFullscreen): always listen to fullscreen change and dynamically set the initial value by @tmkx in #1996
  • 🐛 fix(useReactive): cannot set a object with read-only and non-configurable property by @liuyib in #2247
  • 🐛 fix(useAntdTable): search submit init should use defaultPagination by @hchlq in #2299
  • 🐛 fix(useInfiniteScroll): compatibility issues of getScrollTop in Android browsers by @LJJCherry in #2285
  • 🐛 fix(useLongPress): cancel the long press event when moving and clear the setTimeout timerId by @byethewind in #2410
  • 🐛 fix: add missing types of useInfiniteScroll by @bowencool in #2447
  • ♻ refactor(createUseStorageState): adjust type of defaultValue and update docs by @liuyib in #2148
  • 🔄 perf(createUseStorageState): remove optional chaining by @jiaowoxiaobala in #2241
  • 🎨 style: change the default import to import on demand by @askwuxue in #2230
  • 🎨 style(useDocumentVisibility): remove unnecessary func by @GetWebHB in #2430
  • 📚 docs(useCreation): fix typo by @JeromeD3 in #2265
  • 📚 docs: add installation instructions for bun by @colinhacks in #2294
  • 📚 docs(useRequest): add refreshDepsAction options and update demo by @liuyib in #2334
  • 📚 docs(useRequest): add note in the data sharing section by @liuyib in #2333
  • 📚 docs(useRequest): add note for pollingInterval by @liuyib in #2358
  • 📚 docs: update index dingding qr-code by @li-jia-nan in #2411
  • 📚 docs(useExternal): text overflow of the box by @GetWebHB in #2428
  • 📚 docs(useInfiniteScroll): fix api table by @marunrun in #2433
  • 📚 docs(useAntdTable&useDynamicList): table style overflow auto by @GetWebHB in #2438
  • 📚 docs: add FAQ about useReactive incompatible with Map, Set by @liuyib in #2243
  • 📚 docs(useDrag): demo style overflow auto by @GetWebHB in #2443
  • 📚 docs(useLockFn): extends any is unnecessary by @GetWebHB in #2423
  • 📚 docs(useMemoizedFn): add FAQ for special cases by @liuyib in #2281
  • 📚 docs(useDocumentVisibility): Update by @KuaiYu95 in #2242
  • 📚 docs(useInViewport): add options params undefined type by @GetWebHB in #2444
  • 📚 docs(useRequest): add note for refreshDeps and update demos by @liuyib in #2408
  • 📚 docs: add attention by @hchlq in #2274
  • 📚 docs(useTimeout): type annotation for the delay property at the API in the useTimeout documentation by @OweQian in #2439
  • ⚡ test(useLoadingDelayPlugin): fix error log by @liuyib in #2251
  • ⚡ test(useToggle): modify to call the separated callToggle by @hwanyoungChoi in #2253
  • 🛠 chore: solve ts warnings by @liuyib in #2339
  • 🛠 chore: bump query-string to ^8.1.0 and update jest config by @dxsun97 in #2319
  • 🛠 chore: update time to present by @li-jia-nan in #2429
  • 🛠 chore: packagePamanager in package.json for corepack and pnpm/action-… by @shfshanyue in #2355
  • 🛠 chore: update eslintrc.js and config.ts by @xiezheng-XD in #2307
  • 🛠 chore: remove unused deps and add @types/lodash-es by @liuyib in #2250
  • 🛠 chore: lodash changed to lodash-es by @Ali-ovo in #2233
  • 🤖 ci: Use GITHUB_OUTPUT envvar instead of set-output command by @arunsathiya in #2446

  • ✨ feat: useKeyPress 回调传递触发的快捷键,由 @Simon-He95 提交于 #2170
  • ✨ feat(useDrag): useDrag 添加自定义图片功能,由 @kakachake 提交于 #2182
  • ✨ feat(useInViewport): 添加 callback 选项和 target 支持数组,由 @coderluojz 提交于 #2061
  • ✨ feat(useInfiniteScroll): 添加错误结果,由 @hchlq 提交于 #2275
  • 🐛 fix(useTextSelection): 当按下鼠标的次要按钮时保持选定文本范围,由 @Ali-ovo 提交于 #2232
  • 🐛 fix: 在微信小程序中使用 useDebounce 的问题,由 @crazylxr 提交于 #1472
  • 🐛 fix(useFullscreen): 始终监听全屏变化并动态设置初始值,由 @tmkx 提交于 #1996
  • 🐛 fix(useReactive): 无法设置具有只读和不可配置属性的对象,由 @liuyib 提交于 #2247
  • 🐛 fix(useAntdTable): 搜索提交初始化应使用默认分页,由 @hchlq 提交于 #2299
  • 🐛 fix(useInfiniteScroll): 在 Android 浏览器中的 getScrollTop 的兼容性问题,由 @LJJCherry 提交于 #2285
  • 🐛 fix(useLongPress): 移动时取消长按事件,清除 setTimeout timerId,由 @byethewind 提交于 #2410
  • 🐛 fix: 添加 useInfiniteScroll 的丢失类型,由 @bowencool 提交于 #2447
  • ♻ refactor(createUseStorageState): 调整 defaultValue 的类型并更新文档,由 @liuyib 提交于 #2148
  • 🔄 perf(createUseStorageState): 移除可选链接,由 @jiaowoxiaobala 提交于 #2241
  • 🎨 style: 将默认导入更改为按需导入,由 @askwuxue 提交于 #2230
  • 🎨 style(useDocumentVisibility): 移除不必要的函数,由 @GetWebHB 提交于 #2430
  • 📚 docs(useCreation): 修复拼写错误,由 @JeromeD3 提交于 #2265
  • 📚 docs: 添加 bun 的安装说明,由 @colinhacks 提交于 #2294
  • 📚 docs(useRequest): 添加 refreshDepsAction 选项并更新演示,由 @liuyib 提交于 #2334
  • 📚 docs(useRequest): 在数据共享部分添加注释,由 @liuyib 提交于 #2333
  • 📚 docs(useRequest): 添加 pollingInterval 的注释,由 @liuyib 提交于 #2358
  • 📚 docs: 更新 index 钉钉二维码,由 @li-jia-nan 提交于 #2411
  • 📚 docs(useExternal): 盒子的文字溢出,由 @GetWebHB 提交于 #2428
  • 📚 docs(useInfiniteScroll): 修复 API 表,由 @marunrun 提交于 #2433
  • 📚 docs(useAntdTable&useDynamicList): 表格样式溢出自动,由 @GetWebHB 提交于 #2438
  • 📚 docs: 添加关于 useReactive 与 Map、Set 不兼容的常见问题解答,由 @liuyib 提交于 #2243
  • 📚 docs(useDrag): 演示样式溢出自动,由 @GetWebHB 提交于 #2443
  • 📚 docs(useLockFn): extends any is unnecessary,由 @GetWebHB 提交于 #2423
  • 📚 docs(useMemoizedFn): 添加特殊情况的常见问题解答,由 @liuyib 提交于 #2281
  • 📚 docs(useDocumentVisibility): 更新,由 @KuaiYu95 提交于 #2242
  • 📚 docs(useInViewport): 添加 options 参数未定义类型,由 @GetWebHB 提交于 #2444
  • 📚 docs(useRequest): 添加关于 refreshDeps 的注释并更新演示,由 @liuyib 提交于 #2408
  • 📚 docs: 添加注意事项,由 @hchlq 提交于 #2274
  • 📚 docs(useTimeout): useTimeout 文档中 API 处的 delay 属性的类型标注,由 @OweQian 提交于 #2439
  • ⚡ test(useLoadingDelayPlugin): 修复错误日志,由 @liuyib 提交于 #2251
  • ⚡ test(useToggle): 修改为调用分离的 callToggle,由 @hwanyoungChoi 提交于 #2253
  • 🛠 chore: 解决 ts 警告,由 @liuyib 提交于 #2339
  • 🛠 chore: 将 query-string 升级到 ^8.1.0 并更新 jest 配置,由 @dxsun97 提交于 #2319
  • 🛠 chore: 更新时间到当前,由 @li-jia-nan 提交于 #2429
  • 🛠 chore: 在 package.json 中添加 packagePamanager 以用于 corepack 和 pnpm/action-…,由 @shfshanyue 提交于 #2355
  • 🛠 chore: 更新 eslintrc.js 和 config.ts,由 @xiezheng-XD 提交于 #2307
  • 🛠 chore: 删除未使用的依赖并添加 @types/lodash-es,由 @liuyib 提交于 #2250
  • 🛠 chore: 将 lodash 更改为 lodash-es,由 @Ali-ovo 提交于 #2233
  • 🤖 ci: 使用 GITHUB_OUTPUT 环境变量代替 set-output 命令,由 @arunsathiya 提交于 #2446

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v3.7.8...v3.7.9