This is the pipeline for processing (non-)published ancient mtDNA genomes for subsequent import into mitoBench.
In order to guarantee that all samples are processed reproducibly independent from which versions of underlying programs are installed on the system, we build this pipeline upon Conda as an environment management system and Snakemake as a workflow management system.
For this to work, we assume that Conda is installed on the system. If this is not the case, Conda is available for download from here. As Snakemake is relying on Python3, please choose the Python3 64-bit installer for your system.
Next to Conda, Snakemake with version >=5.0 needs to installed on the system, too. In order to guarantee this, you can type
pip install 'snakemake>=5.0'
While most programs will be automatically downloaded and installed from the Conda YAML using the BioConda channel, there are few programs and other resources that need to be separately installed. To do so, run
snakemake -s setup_env.Snakefile --use-conda
This will
- download the commandline version of HaploGrep for determining the mtDNA haplogroups
- unpack the tarball of the R package contamMix
- prepare the revised Cambridge reference sequence (rCRS) as a reference genome for the subsequent analyses of the pipeline
The pipeline itself is stored in the file mitoBench_pipeline.Snakefile
. In
order to execute, two config files are required: one that provides the
information about input and output files, and one for providing the information
on the required resources to the scheduler system for cluster usage.
The config file contains the major information on where the input files are stored, the naming pattern of the samples and input files, and where the output files are to be written. This file should be adapted for each project and a template can be found: mitoBench_pipeline-config.json. Six different parameters have to specified:
: path to a text file with the sample IDs, one sample ID per line.snakemake
will determine the wildcards for expected output files from this filelist.bamdir
: the folder in which the BAM files of the sample specified in the samplelist are stored. It is expected that all BAM files are stored in the same directory.projdir
: the final output directory for the results of the pipelinetmpdir
: the directory for storing the temporary output during processingbamsuffix
: file suffix after the sample ID following the scheme<sampleID>.<file suffix>
(default: bam)sampleIDconstraint
: in order to avoid unexpected behaviour, only sample IDs with uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and periods are allowed. Underscores in the sample IDs should be avoided as the pipeline uses underscores to separate the file extensions from the sampleIDs. In case, sample IDs that do not follow this scheme are to be used, the regex constraining the sample ID pattern can be altered (default: [A-Za-z0-9.]+).
The cluster config file specifies all the computational resource requirements that each step needs to be run. There are two cluster config files provided in JSON format for the cluster scheduling systems SGE and SLURM. These files should set the correct requirements for the expected sequencing depths for ancient DNA capture data. If you sequenced your samples to a much deeper depth, higher requirements regarding memory usage might be necessary.
Next to submitting the individual pipeline steps to the cluster, a few steps
will be directly run on the head node, when the run time and memory requirement
of a step are so low that the overhead of sending the step to the cluster is
larger than just quickly running them on the head node itself. In order to
avoid an excessive usage of resources on the head node, we will restrict the
maximum number of head node cores that can be used using the option
In order to run the pipeline using SGE as the scheduling system run:
snakemake -s mitoBench_pipeline.Snakefile \
--configfile mitoBench_pipeline-config.json \
--cluster-config mitoBench_pipeline-SGE.json \
--cluster 'qsub -pe smp {threads} -l virtual_free={cluster.vfree},h_vmem={cluster.hvmem},class={cluster.class} -o {cluster.out} -e {cluster.err}' \
--use-conda \
--local-cores 8 \
--jobs 50
If some of these parameters are not available or not feasible for your local scheduling system, please alter them accordingly.
Using SLURM as the scheduling system:
snakemake -s mitoBench_pipeline.Snakefile \
--configfile mitoBench_pipeline-config.json \
--cluster-config mitoBench_pipeline-SLURM.json \
--cluster 'sbatch --mem {cluster.mem} -p {cluster.partition} -t {cluster.time} -o {cluster.out} -e {cluster.err} -n {threads}' \
--use-conda \
--local-cores 8 \
--cores 20
In order to run the pipeline on a local computer without using a scheduling system:
snakemake -s mitoBench_pipeline.Snakefile \
--configfile mitoBench_pipeline-config.json \
--use-conda \
--cores 20
In all three examples, replace the config file mitoBench_pipeline-config.json
with the version of the config file in which you specified the paths to the
sample list, the temporary directory, the project directory etc.
This pipeline is built to process per-sample BAM files and return a mtDNA consensus sequence and some additional quality statistics, e.g. coverage across the mitochondrial genome, DNA damage profile, mtDNA haplogroup etc. The pipeline assumes that raw sequencing data has been de-multiplexed, adapters have been removed and overlapping reads have been merged. Additionally, it expects an alignment against the human reference genome (hg19) and that the output is sorted BAM file.
The steps of the pipeline are:
- Create a softlink of each BAM file specified in the
into the temporary directory and create an index usingsamtools index
. - Extract all reads aligned to the mitochondrial genome (assuming that the chromosome name is "MT") regardless of the mapping quality.
- Align the extracted reads only against the rCRS reference genome, which is
extended by pasting the first 1,000 base pairs to the end of the sequence
to account for the circular nature of the DNA molecule, using
bwa aln
. Generate alignment files usingbwa sampe
&bwa samse
. - Join the separate output files for merged and non-merged paired-end reads
samtools merge
, adjust the alignment coordinates to the original length of rCRS (16,569 bp) using circularmapper'srealign
and sort the output. - Remove duplicate sequences using
and sort DeDup's output file again. - Analyse the read length distribution and the DNA damage profile using
. - Count the number of reads available per sample using
samtools flagstat
and calculate the fraction of reads that correspond to 30,000 reads for later down-sampling usingsamtools view
using seed 0. - Infer the per-base sequencing depth of all samples using
samtools depth
. - Call the consensus sequences using
requiring a minimal base quality of 30 and minimal mapping quality of 25. snpAD calculates the genotype likelihood at each site along the human mtDNA reference genome considering ancient DNA damage in its error model. As the program was designed for determining diploid genotypes, we manually set the genotype likelihood for heterozygous genotype calls to a very small number. We only call a genotype at a site if the sequencing depth was at least 3 and the genotype quality was at least 50. - Infer the haplogroup using
using the consensus sequence called from the clipped sequencing data. - Infer the haplogroups and their proportion of contribution to the pool of
sequences using
. - Calculate the proportions of authentic, non-contaminant DNA using
When all these steps are run, the results are summarised in a table called
. This table contains the following information:
- the number of unique reads that aligned to the rCRS
- the mean and the standard deviation of the coverage across the genome and the number of sites with at least 5-fold coverage
- the mode of the read length distribution
- the number of missing genotypes (Ns) in the consensus sequence
- the inferred haplogroup, the quality of the haplogroup assignment and the number of non-found and remaining polymorphisms, respectively
- the contaminant DNA as inferred by contamMix
- the haplogroups and their proportions of contribution to the sequencing pool as determined by mixEMT
The table contains two columns to flag low quality samples: flagged due to number of missing bases (> 1%) and flagged due to contamination (> 10%). If a sample fulfils any of the two criteria, either having > 1% missing genotypes in the consensus sequence or a contamination estimate > 10%, the sample will flagged as a low quality sample.
Further, the consensus sequences based on the clipped sequencing data will be
copied to the directory fasta
in the specified project folder and the raw
information that were summarised in the summary table are copied into a
per-sample folder in the directory sample_stats
The temporary folder can later be removed by running the Snakemake pipeline with
the specified rule clean_tmp