Mustache is a simply awesome template language inspired by ctemplate and et.
Mu is a Mustache based template engine for Node.js. Mu compiles mustache templates into an extremely fast executable function.
- It is very fast
- Supports async parsing/compiling
- Rendering is streamed
Rendering examples/ 1 million times yields the following results:
Ruby Mustache - 112 secs (benchmarks/rb/complex_view.rb)
Mu - 40 secs (benchmarks/million_complex.js)
Tested on a 2.4 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo MacBook Pro
Mu sync rendering was benchmarking in at 24 secs, but I felt it was much more important to stream the rendering. Streaming adds a pretty set overhead of about 14µs (microseconds) to each template render to setup the event emitter. It also adds a variable extra amount of time due to the additional function calls. The million_complex.js caused 2µs per render addition.
var sys = require('sys');
var Mu = require('./lib/mu');
Mu.templateRoot = './examples';
var ctx = {
name: "Chris",
value: 10000,
taxed_value: function() {
return this.value - (this.value * 0.4);
in_ca: true
Mu.render('simple.html', ctx, {}, function (err, output) {
if (err) {
throw err;
var buffer = '';
output.addListener('data', function (c) {buffer += c; })
.addListener('end', function () { sys.puts(buffer); });
Which yields:
Hello Chris
You have just won $10000!
Well, $6000, after taxes.
var sys = require('sys');
var Mu = require('./lib/mu');
var tmpl = "Hello {{> part}}. Your name is: {{name}}!";
var partials = {part: "World"};
var compiled = Mu.compileText(tmpl, partials);
compiled({name: "Chris"})
.addListener('data', function (c) { sys.puts(c) });
See Tag Types section at for more information on supported tags.
- Better parse time errors. Currently they are decent when partials are not involved but break down once partials are involved.
- Implement some compile time optimizations. The big one is predetermining when a enumerable actually needs to inherit the full context. Cutting this out can be huge.
- Cleanup the Preprocessor methods. They are a bit unwieldy.