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Gazebo: Creating New Environments

Justin Wasserman edited this page Feb 11, 2019 · 2 revisions

New enclosures can be built by editing the model.sdf file in 'gazebo/src/weaselball_description/meshes/weazelenclosure/'.

When creating new environments there are currently a few assumptions made

  1. We are only using rectangular blocks for walls.
  2. If yaw = 0 degrees, the block's side that faces towards the arena is pointing in the -X axis.

These assumptions can be broken if you wish to use the Gazebo simulator as is, and just record data. However, you will need to turn "checkCorrectness" off. If you want to use the dataAnalysis tools that we provide, these assumptions need to be respected.

(TODO) Add checkCorrectness as optional in Robot config or figure out way to dynamically change checkCorrectness code with respect to different environments (and assume that it just isn't always the same sized square enclosure).
(TODO) Create python file that auto-generates an enclosure.

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