This library implements a Python client for the Pwinty photo printing API. to make things a little more "Pythonic" all attributes are avalible in CamelCase as well as their original under_score notation.
This has only been tested on Python 2.7, it will probably work on 2.6+. It does not currently support Python 3.
The requests library
It can be installed using PIP from PyPi:
> pip install pwinty
Import pwinty and set your API Key and Merchent ID:
import pwinty
pwinty.apikey = "xxxxxxx"
pwinty.merchantid = "xxxxxxx"
Create an Order:
order = pwinty.Order.create(
recipient_name = 'Mr Jones',
address_1 = 'The Hollies',
address_2 = '',
address_town_or_city = 'Cardiff',
state_or_county = 'Glamorgan',
postal_or_zip_code = 'CF11 1AX',
destination_country_code = 'GB',
country_code = 'GB',
qualityLevel = 'Pro'
Add photos to the order:
photo =
type = '8x12',
url = '',
md5Hash = '79054025255fb1a26e4bc422aef54eb4',
copies = '2',
sizing = 'Crop'
Check the order is valid:
order_status = order.get_submission_status()
if not order_status.is_valid:
print "Invalid Order"
Submit the order:
You can retrieve a previous order and check its status like so:
order = pwinty.Order.get(8765)
if order.status == 'Complete':
print "Order has dispatched"