Releases: alexandre-spieser/AspNetCore.Identity.MongoDbCore
Releases · alexandre-spieser/AspNetCore.Identity.MongoDbCore
Version 6.0.0
- Target .net6
- Upgraded dependency MongoDbGenericRepository to version 1.6.2 (with MongoDB driver 2.28)
- Fix tests - big thanks to #58 for making the upgrade super smooth.
Version 3.1.2
Version 3.1.1
Some fixes following Release 3.1.0.
- Get rid of the nuspec, and generate the package on build to avoid discrepancies on package content/platform support in the future.
- Remove browser link refs as it's useless.
- Remove ps scripts used to pack, since we pack on build now.
- Update license & readme.
- Remove lib folder as it's now unused.
Version 3.1.0
Removal of AspNet 2.2 dependencies by @d-barker .
- Removes the AspNet 2.2 references
- Adds a reference to the Microsoft.Extensions.Identity.Core
- Changed the method ConfigureMongoDbIdentity to use .AddIdentityCore<>() and .AddRoles<>() as two seperate calls instead of the single that is shipped with AspNet 3.1
- Updated unit tests to make the call to .AddDefaultTokenProviders() where applicable (all tests are passing with the changes, I had to fix one of the unit tests where a new email is being created, it was failing stating that the email already exists, so I made it unique using date time ticks.
- Added unit test coverage and test.ps1 to run the unit tests with coverage (coverlet.msbuild) see coverage below
- Updated sample application and removed all references to AspNet 2.2
- Added project reference instead of nuget package for unit test and sample application
- Fixed appsettings.json warning, replaced false with empty object.
- Some files have reordered the using statements due to a plugin that I am running in vscode that will order the using clauses.
- Updated nuspec file to include reference to Microsoft.Extensions.Identity.Core
- Update nuspec file to version 3.1 to match aspnetcore3.1, this is just an idea...there are potentially breaking changes so a major version might be a wise idea.
BREAKING CHANGE the .AddDefaultTokenProviders() method is no longer called by default as a result of this work.
Version 2.1.1
Bug fix by @mjebrahimi #29
Bug fix when setting document version in method public virtual MongoIdentityUser<TKey> SetVersion(int version)
Updated package dependencies:
- MongoDbGenericRepository version 1.4.3
Version 2.1.0
Support for netstandard2.1 and netcoreapp3.1 with the help of @d-barker ! Thanks for your hard work!
Updated package dependencies:
- Microsoft.AspNetCore.Identity version 2.2.0
- Microsoft.Extensions.Identity.Stores version 3.1.1
- MongoDB.Driver version 2.9.3
- MongoDbGenericRepository version 1.4.1
Version 1.1.1
Updated package dependencies:
- Microsoft.AspNetCore.Identity version 2.2.0
- Microsoft.Extensions.Identity.Stores version 2.2.0
- MongoDB.Driver version 2.7.0
- MongoDbGenericRepository version 1.4.0
Version 1.1.0
Updated Microsoft packages Identity dependencies:
- Microsoft.AspNetCore.Identity updated to version 2.1.6
- Microsoft.Extensions.Identity.Stores updated to version 2.1.6
Version 1.0.9
- Updated to MongoDB Driver 2.7.0, MongoDbGenericRepository 1.3.8
- Meaning that you can programmatically manage Indexes on Identity related collections.
- The MongoDB Driver 2.7.0 also provides support for transactions on MongoDB 4.0+ servers.
Version 1.0.8
- Added support for documents with an Id of type ObjectId.
Install-Package AspNetCore.Identity.MongoDbCore -Version 1.0.8