A facebook chatbot for use with the CUMTD developer API built with Flask. Gives incoming bus departures for a given bus stop searched by the user.
The provided procfile is used for deployment using Heroku. These instructions assume that you use Heroku for deployment and that a new app is already created for your bot through Heroku. Note that Heroku still requires you to enter a valid credit card to use their free Heroku redis addon.
- Python 3
- Redis or a Redis addon through your platform
Clone the repository inside your current directory:
$ git clone https://github.com/alex-wuu/cumtd-chatbot.git cumtd-chatbot
$ cd cumtd-chatbot
Install virtualenv if you don't have it:
$ pip install virtualenv
Create your virtual environment with virtualenv if desired. venv
can be changed to the virtual environment name of your choice:
$ virtualenv venv
Activate your virtual environment:
$ source venv/bin/activate
Install package dependencies with pip:
$ pip install -r app/requirements.txt
Add environment variables. This can be done through your platform, e.g. Heroku, or through an additional config file. If you use a config file, then it needs to be imported in server.py
is the page access token generated from your app's Facebook developers page. See the Deployment section for more information.VERIFICATION_TOKEN
is the "Verify Token" entered when a webhook is set up through your app's Facebook developers page. See the Deployment section for more information.CUMTD_KEY
is your API key from CUMTD.FB_URL
is used as a starting point for requests with the Facebook graph API, e.g.https://graph.facebook.com/v2.11/me/messages
is used as a starting point for requests with the CUMTD API with the formathttps://developer.cumtd.com/api/{version}/{format}/{method}?key={api_key}
is your Redis URL.CUSTOM_STOPS
string containing user defined custom stops in a dictionary format. This is used to account for common bus stop acronyms/nicknames that aren't caught by the CUMTD API.
Set up your Redis. The Heroku redis addon was used for creating the app.
If you're using Heroku, then you can add a remote to the local repository with the following command and your app's name:
$ heroku git:remote -a YOUR_HEROKU_APP_NAME
Deploy the app with:
$ git subtree push --prefix app heroku master
Or if you move all the files from the app subdirectory to the root directory, then you can deploy this way:
$ git add .
$ git commit -m "Moved files from subdirectory root directory"
$ git push heroku master
Your bot's URL is shown as the "Web URL" from your Heroku app's info:
$ heroku apps:info
Create a new Facebook app for the chatbot through the developers page. Click on the "My Apps" button and add a new app. Go to your new app's page, then click "Messenger" on the left side to get to the messenger platform. Add a webhook and set the callback URL to the chatbot's URL supplied by Heroku, and check the "messages" and "messaging_postbacks" boxes. The "Verify Token" you set corresponds to the VERIFICATION_TOKEN
environment variable. Create a page for your bot so a "Page Access Token" can be generated, which corresponds to the PAGE_ACCESS_TOKEN
environment variable. Enable NLP under the "Built-in NLP" section.
Take note of the Facebook graph API version, e.g. v2.11, you are using by going to "Webhooks" page on the left side.
Add a Get Started button to your bot by setting the get_started Messenger Profile property. Your command will look like this:
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{
"text":"Gives bus stop departures in the Champaign-Urbana area. Data provided by CUMTD."
}' "https://graph.facebook.com/{version}/me/messenger_profile?access_token={PAGE_ACCESS_TOKEN}"
Go to the Facebook page you created for your chatbot and say hi or send a bus stop!