Coding standards for my JS/TS-based projects: an integration of the Airbnb coding standards and Prettier code formatter.
It works even on mixed JS/TS projects.
Run npm i
Run npm test
NB: tests can fails: don't worry, it's a playground for you, to test eslint settings
It will automatically push the tag to git.
npm version major|minor|patch
- Install this project in
for example (specify the version you need):
"eslint-config-alromano": ""
NOTE: no other eslint package (plugins, parser...) is required. Everything comes from this centralized config
- Create in the root of your project a file named
with the following configuration:
"extends": "eslint-config-alromano"
or just
"extends": "alromano"
3a. Use it from your CLI or integrate it in your tasks in package.json
"scripts": {
"lint:fix": "eslint './**/*.{ts,tsx,js,jsx}' --fix"
3b. The RECOMMENDED approach is to fix only staged files in order to speed-up. You can do this with pre-commit hooks:
- Install pre-commit or husky
- Install lint-staged
- Configure them in
"scripts": {
"lint:staged": "lint-staged && git add .",
"pre-commit": "lint:staged",
"lint-staged": {
"*.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}": "eslint --fix"
It's highly recommended to use the --fix