TonTools is a high-level OOP library for Python, which can be used to interact with TON Blockchain.
If you have any questions join Python - TON developers chat.
pip install tontools
With TonTools you can:
- Scan custom Contracts and run get methods
- Create, deploy and scan wallets
- Scan NFT Collections, Items, Sale contracts
- Scan Jettons, Jetton Wallets
- Transfer Tons, Jettons, NFTs
- Scan Transactions in raw or User-Friendly forms
- And so much more...
You can find them in examples/
TonTools gets data from blockchain using Providers: TonCenterClient, LsClient, DtonClient and TonApiClient
Most provider methods are the same, but there are some differences.
TonCenter is an Api which uses lite servers
To initialize TonCenterClient:
client = TonCenterClient(base_url='')
client = TonCenterClient(api_key)
Notice that TonCenter has Limit 10 RPS with Api Key, so It's highly recommend to use Local TonCenter
and specify your host in base_url
parameter or use the Orbs Ton Access:
client = TonCenterClient(orbs_access=True,
contract = Contract('EQBvW8Z5huBkMJYdnfAEM5JqTNkuWX3diqYENkWsIL0XggGG', client)
print((await contract.get_transactions(limit=10))[-1].out_msgs[0].destination) # kQCdaMggjCXoW867yRXilPw2bu8Av9dSBlGGCdDPIGNLKM8N
LsClient gets data from blockhain using lite servers (based on pytonlib)
To initialize LsClient:
client = LsClient(ls_index=2, default_timeout=30, addresses_form=AddressForm.USER_FRIENDLY)
await client.init()
LsClient is some more advanced, for e.g. you may need to compile binaries to use it.
Dton is a high level indexing GraphQL Api.
To initialize DtonClient:
client = DtonClient(
key: str = None, # dton api key
addresses_form=AddressForm.USER_FRIENDLY, # addresses_form could be RAW or USER_FRIENDLY
testnet=False, # if testnet, all addresses will be in testnet form and base url will start with
private_graphql=False # you can use private_graphql if you have an api key
Note: Dton currently doesn't support sending messages to blockchain, so you can't, for example, transfer toncoins using this provider
TonApi is a high level indexing Api.
To initialize TonApiClient:
client = TonApiClient(api_key, addresses_form)
hasn't run_get_method
method, but it fast (cause of indexator), so
you should use it if you want to scan a lot of transactions and contracts
SafeLsClient is a wrapper for LsClient which accepts a fallback client.
Lite servers can be unstable, so if LsClient fails to get data, SafeLsClient
will try to get data from the fallback client and change the ls_index
to the next one for future requests.
fallback_client = TonApiClient(api_key)
client = SafeLsClient(fallback_client, cdll_path=app_dir / 'tonlibjson.dll')
await client.init()
Note: Provide a fallback client that has methods you need to use.
All Contracts are inherited from the base class Contract, which has
.get_transactions(), .run_get_method(), .get_balance(), .get_state()
So you can use them with any type of Contract:
client = TonCenterClient(base_url='')
item = NftItem('EQDzyRLwjasHwP-y5c9rtoVi2iqriu-sbL3080FlCc-XyUG4', provider=client)
await item.update()
owner = Wallet(provider=client,
transactions = await owner.get_transactions(limit=2)
print(transactions[0], transactions[1])
# Transaction({"type": "out", "utime": 1677531709, "hash": "h+lVX0qK4T76QtRqC0FWWGhLptgPLM4MjSEbgKODcFc=", "value": 2500.0, "from": "EQBZVBXBpirFPOQ5Wmgi5Es2hDCRAfiT3i5JRy_gVsJOlpZv", "to": "EQBfAN7LfaUYgXZNw5Wc7GBgkEX2yhuJ5ka95J1JJwXXf4a8", "comment": "6017835"}) Transaction({"type": "in", "utime": 1677413260, "hash": "erk0nLWW9W3m9boFM+/9v0YSeRz1jJvpyiRQYEgN5AE=", "value": 1e-09, "from": "EQCPGzW1dJURRybL41Q3KYfzX4fZdQUeY8-7-TKyeR7f-7cU", "to": "EQBZVBXBpirFPOQ5Wmgi5Es2hDCRAfiT3i5JRy_gVsJOlpZv", "comment": ""})
print(await # 75730000
You can init object of some Contract just specifying address
and provider
but to get full data of this object you should call await object.update()
There are NftItem, NftCollection and NftItemSale
item = NftItem('EQDzyRLwjasHwP-y5c9rtoVi2iqriu-sbL3080FlCc-XyUG4', provider=client)
await item.update()
collection = item.collection
await collection.update()
print(collection.metadata) # {"name": "Whales Club", "description": "Collection limited to 10000 utility-enabled NFTs, where the token is your membership to the Whales Club. Join the club and participate in weekly Ambra token giveaways, have access to the most profitable Ton Whales decentralized staking pools and many other useful club privileges.", "external_link": "", "external_url": "", "image": "ipfs://QmZc5PwuyVKSV4urDTArqfDbkGVjkKs6q4dBk8kpPt1bqD/logo.gif", "social_links": ["", "", ""], "cover_image": "ipfs://QmZc5PwuyVKSV4urDTArqfDbkGVjkKs6q4dBk8kpPt1bqD/cover.gif"}
items = await collection.get_collection_items()
print(len(items), items[0]) # 1621 NftItem({"address": "EQD6ufFjSIUJSkbVuV7w00ORT8UvoMLQ9RDZ1lJ8sYh3cOIx"})
sale =
print(sale.price_value, sale.owner) # 200000000000 EQBZVBXBpirFPOQ5Wmgi5Es2hDCRAfiT3i5JRy_gVsJOlpZv
There are Jetton and JettonWallet
client = LsClient(ls_index=2, default_timeout=30)
await client.init()
jetton = Jetton('EQBl3gg6AAdjgjO2ZoNU5Q5EzUIl8XMNZrix8Z5dJmkHUfxI', provider=client)
print(jetton) # Jetton({"address": "EQBl3gg6AAdjgjO2ZoNU5Q5EzUIl8XMNZrix8Z5dJmkHUfxI"})
await jetton.update()
print(jetton) # Jetton({"supply": 4600000000000000000, "address": "EQBl3gg6AAdjgjO2ZoNU5Q5EzUIl8XMNZrix8Z5dJmkHUfxI", "decimals": 9, "symbol": "LAVE", "name": "Lavandos", "description": "This is a universal token for use in all areas of the decentralized Internet in the TON blockchain, web3, Telegram bots, TON sites. Issue of 4.6 billion coins. Telegram channels: Englishversion: @lave_eng \u0420\u0443\u0441\u0441\u043a\u043e\u044f\u0437\u044b\u0447\u043d\u0430\u044f \u0432\u0435\u0440\u0441\u0438\u044f: @lavet", "image": "", "token_supply": 4600000000.0})
jetton_wallet = await jetton.get_jetton_wallet('EQBvW8Z5huBkMJYdnfAEM5JqTNkuWX3diqYENkWsIL0XggGG') # for TonCenterClient and LsClient
print(jetton_wallet) # JettonWallet({"address": "EQDgCBnCncRp4jOi3CMeLn-b71gymAX3W28YZT3Dn0a2dKj-"})
await jetton_wallet.update()
print(jetton_wallet) # JettonWallet({"address": "EQDgCBnCncRp4jOi3CMeLn-b71gymAX3W28YZT3Dn0a2dKj-", "balance": 10000000000000, "owner": "EQBvW8Z5huBkMJYdnfAEM5JqTNkuWX3diqYENkWsIL0XggGG", "jetton_master_address": "EQBl3gg6AAdjgjO2ZoNU5Q5EzUIl8XMNZrix8Z5dJmkHUfxI"})
my_wallet_mnemonics = []
my_wallet = Wallet(provider=client, mnemonics=my_wallet_mnemonics, version='v4r2')
await my_wallet.transfer_jetton(destination_address='address', jetton_master_address=jetton.address, jettons_amount=1000, fee=0.15) # for TonCenterClient and LsClient
await my_wallet.transfer_jetton_by_jetton_wallet(destination_address='address', jetton_wallet='your jetton wallet address', jettons_amount=1000, fee=0.1) # for all clients
Currently there is only Wallet
class (will add HighLoadWallet and MultiSigWallet in future versions).
You can create new wallet just calling Wallet(provider, wallet_version)
, check existing wallet Wallet(provider, address)
or enter wallet Wallet(provider, mnemonics, wallet_version)
client = LsClient(ls_index=2, default_timeout=20)
await client.init()
my_wallet_mnemonics = []
my_wallet = Wallet(provider=client, mnemonics=my_wallet_mnemonics, version='v4r2')
my_wallet_nano_balance = await my_wallet.get_balance()
new_wallet = Wallet(provider=client)
print(new_wallet.address, new_wallet.mnemonics, my_wallet_nano_balance) # EQBcMK8CBrZKfSYdvT8FDVo1TxZV_d3Lz-xPyGp8c7mUacko ['federal', 'memory', 'scare', 'exact', 'extend', 'rain', 'private', 'ribbon', 'inspire', 'capital', 'arrow', 'glimpse', 'toy', 'double', 'man', 'speak', 'imitate', 'hint', 'dinner', 'oblige', 'rather', 'answer', 'unfold', 'small'] 496348289
non_bounceable_new_wallet_address = Address(new_wallet.address).to_string(True, True, False)
await my_wallet.transfer_ton(destination_address=non_bounceable_new_wallet_address, amount=0.02, message='just random comment')
await new_wallet.deploy()
print(await new_wallet.get_state()) # active
Class Transaction
has .to_dict()
and .to_dict_user_friendly()
The first one returns full data of transaction, and the second one only user-friendly data of transaction
status - True if computation and action phases have returned zero code.
client = TonApiClient()
wallet = Wallet(provider=client, address='EQBvW8Z5huBkMJYdnfAEM5JqTNkuWX3diqYENkWsIL0XggGG')
trs = await wallet.get_transactions(limit=1)
print(trs[0].to_dict()) # {'utime': 1677658702, 'fee': 7384081, 'data': 'a lot of bytes :)', 'hash': 'skqFysIHksJDkH8Sy4UAKmQSuW95WGS6V/XD/QaJCdE=', 'in_msg': {'created_lt': 35690250000001, 'source': '', 'destination': 'EQBvW8Z5huBkMJYdnfAEM5JqTNkuWX3diqYENkWsIL0XggGG', 'value': 0, 'msg_data': 'a lot of bytes :'}, 'out_msgs': [{'created_lt': 35690250000002, 'source': 'EQBvW8Z5huBkMJYdnfAEM5JqTNkuWX3diqYENkWsIL0XggGG', 'destination': 'EQDgCBnCncRp4jOi3CMeLn-b71gymAX3W28YZT3Dn0a2dKj-', 'value': 100000000, 'msg_data': 'te6ccgEBAQEAVwAAqg+KfqUAAAAAAAAAAF6NSlEACADvv6jNfMa6nPxbbgyeiO7riR4Cq0JAynas1pLFqNpq9wAd9/UZr5jXU5+LbcGT0R3dcSPAVWhIGU7VmtJYtRtNXsA='}]}
print(trs[0].to_dict_user_friendly()) # {'type': 'out', 'utime': 1677658702, 'status': True, 'hash': 'skqFysIHksJDkH8Sy4UAKmQSuW95WGS6V/XD/QaJCdE=', 'value': 0.1, 'from': 'EQBvW8Z5huBkMJYdnfAEM5JqTNkuWX3diqYENkWsIL0XggGG', 'to': 'EQDgCBnCncRp4jOi3CMeLn-b71gymAX3W28YZT3Dn0a2dKj-', 'comment': ''}
Note: .to_dict_user_friendly()
works good with many recipients in one transaction
You can check the type of message using .try_detect_type()
client = TonCenterClient()
contract = Contract('EQB5DER03H1uhKGX6BJh_IWa_zV9MzvH2lcy6t30tZ9k4RSL', client)
print((await contract.get_transactions())[-1].in_msg.try_detect_type()) # JettonTransferNotificationMessage
contract = Contract('EQB5QP6tAVlWBXKhMN9TynyusIR8_oTuN10NozaOfpFzAXDj', client)
print((await contract.get_transactions())[-1].in_msg.try_detect_type()) # JettonInternalTransferMessage