Terraform module to provision battle-tested, batteries-included and secure GCP GKE Cluster with nginx-ingress and fully automated DNS (external-dns) + TLS/SSL management (cert-manager + Letsencrypt).
The module deploys following resources:
- Custom VPC Network with:
- GKE subnet (including pods and services secondary ranges)
- CloudNat [optional]
- OpenVPN Server [optional]
- With built-in user management (more details below) controllable through variables
- Cloud DNS zones
- Controlled dynamically through variables
- GKE Standard cluster with:
- Optional
cluster modes - Optional
cluster type - Dynamic node pools controlled through the variables
- Dynamic cluster autoscaler configuration
- HPA enabled
- VPA disabled
- Removed default node pools
- Master Authorized Networks - GKE subnet by default, optional additional configurable through variable
- Optional
- Helm charts deployed in the cluster [optional]:
- ingress-nginx external [optional]
- ingress-nginx internal [optional]
- cert-manager configured with Letsencrypt prod ACME ClusterIssuer through DNS01 solver
- external-dns with Cloud DNS
The module is using GCP Storage Bucket as state backend.
It is recommended to use tfenv
and setup appropriate Terraform version defined
in .terraform-version
file in each environment modules.
Additionally, gcloud
with appropriate permissions to project is required in
order to provision any resources.
The following tools have to be installed in order to run pre-commit successfully:
Setup of the git hooks can be done with pre-commit install
. To force pre-commit checks on all files
run pre-commit run -a
This module is using Github Actions to run pre-commit
on push
and pull-request
events. The workflows can be
found here.
The following steps are required to deploy:
terraform init -backend-config="bucket=<state_storage_bucket_name>"
terraform apply
The module sets common values for the variables in terraform.auto.tfvars
, additional variable overrides might be
required, examples shown below:
# Variables needed for deployment of the private cluster
provider_project_id = "<gcp_project_id>"
cloud_dns_zone_domains = [
helm_cert_manager_issuer_email = "<issuer_email>"
openvpn_users = ["<vpn_username1>"]
If the host that runs terraform apply does not have direct access to the VPC, it is recommended to initially also set
, as private cluster is only reachable through VPC or VPN connection and helm deployments will time out. After the deployment runs successfully, connect the host to the VPC/VPN and run apply again withhelm_deploy_enabled
set totrue
# Variables needed for deployment of the public cluster
provider_project_id = "<gcp_project_id>"
cloud_dns_zone_domains = [
helm_cert_manager_issuer_email = "<issuer_email>"
openvpn_users = ["<vpn_username1>"]
gke_additional_master_authorized_networks = [
cidr_block = "<trusted_cidr>"
display_name = "<user_friendly_name>"
gke_private_cluster_enabled = false
It is required to add the CIDR of the host that runs terraform apply to the
array in order to be able to deploy the helm charts (if enabled).
This module can optionally also deploy the OpenVPN server that can be used to access any VPC internal resources.
VPN users are managed directly in Terraform through the variable openvpn_users
which is a list of strings where each
string represents the username of the user.
After successful Terraform apply, OpenVPN config files can be found in local directory openvpn
Actual private key used for the OpenVPN is stored in Terraform state, and it is possible to retrieve all user profiles at any time simply by running Terraform apply command.
By default, all the client traffic is routed through the VPN server.
Output directory
is in.gitignore
so sensitive data such as private keys do not end up versioned in the git repository.
Default ingress controller is nginx-ingress
, if no explicit annotations are set, this is the ingress controller that
will be used. Alternatively, it is possible to use built-in GCE ingress with the following
annotation kubernetes.io/ingress.class: "gce"
set to Ingress resource.
For the domains specified in var.cloud_dns_zone_domains
appropriate Cloud DNS zones will be
created. external-dns
is configured to automagically create DNS
SSL/TLS Certificate management is handled by cert-manager
through Letsencrypt ACME cluster
All the above allows seamless ingress setup that automatically handles path based routing, SSL/TLS certificates, CloudDNS external DNS record management.
Example Ingress manifest utilizing all 3 components:
apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1
kind: Ingress
name: service-a
external-dns.alpha.kubernetes.io/hostname: service-a.example.com.
cert-manager.io/cluster-issuer: letsencrypt-prod
- host: service-a.example.com
- path: /
pathType: Prefix
name: nginxsvc
number: 80
- hosts:
- service-a.example.com
secretName: service-a-example-com
Above manifest will expose service
with HTTPS.
apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1
kind: Ingress
name: service-b
kubernetes.io/ingress.class: "gce"
kubernetes.io/ingress.global-static-ip-name: "<global_static_ip_name>"
cert-manager.io/cluster-issuer: "letsencrypt-prod"
external-dns.alpha.kubernetes.io/hostname: "service-b.example.com."
- host: service-b.example.com
- path: /
pathType: Prefix
name: nginxsvc
number: 80
- hosts:
- service-b.example.com
secretName: service-b-example-com
<global_static_ip_name> needs to be replaced with the actual name of the global static ip reserved!**
Above manifest will expose service
with HTTPS.
apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1
kind: Ingress
name: service-c-internal
external-dns.alpha.kubernetes.io/hostname: service-c.internal.example.com.
cert-manager.io/cluster-issuer: letsencrypt-prod
ingressClassName: nginx-internal
- host: service-c.internal.example.com
- path: /
pathType: Prefix
name: nginxsvc
number: 8080
- hosts:
- service-c.internal.example.com
secretName: service-c-internal-example-com
Above manifest will expose service
with HTTPS internally.
Using gcp-internal
ingress is possible, but requires additional setup such as proxy-only subnets. More details in
the official documentation.
For most use-cases using
ingress is much simpler solution.
Name | Version |
terraform | >=1.1.5 |
helm | 2.4.1 |
kubectl | 1.13.1 |
kubernetes | 2.7.1 |
Name | Version |
3.90.1 | |
kubernetes | 2.7.1 |
Name | Source | Version |
cloud-nat | registry.terraform.io/terraform-google-modules/cloud-nat/google | ~> 2.0.0 |
helm_charts | ./modules/helm-charts | n/a |
kubernetes-engine | registry.terraform.io/terraform-google-modules/kubernetes-engine/google//modules/private-cluster | 18.0.0 |
network | registry.terraform.io/terraform-google-modules/network/google | 4.0.1 |
openvpn | registry.terraform.io/DeimosCloud/openvpn/google | 1.2.4 |
Name | Type |
google_compute_firewall.openvpn | resource |
google_compute_router.this | resource |
google_dns_managed_zone.domains | resource |
kubernetes_cluster_role_binding.admin | resource |
google_client_config.default | data source |
google_compute_zones.available | data source |
Name | Description | Type | Default | Required |
app-bu | Identifier of the owner (either an Application or Business Unit) | string |
"ops" |
no |
cloud_dns_zone_domains | List of the domains that should have Cloud DNS zones created. | list(string) |
n/a | yes |
cloudnat_enabled | Flag to enable or disable deployment of the CloudNat. (required with private cluster) | bool |
true |
no |
env | Environment identifier for the resources. | string |
"dev" |
no |
gke_additional_master_authorized_networks | List of the additional Master Authorized Networks for the GKE cluster. | list(object({ |
[] |
no |
gke_cluster_admins | List of users that will have cluster-admin role binding created. | list(string) |
[] |
no |
gke_cluster_autoscaling | Cluster autoscaling configuration. | object({ |
n/a | yes |
gke_initial_node_count | Number of the cluster nodes deployed initially in default node pool. | number |
0 |
no |
gke_kubernetes_version | Version of the Kubernetes to run on GKE cluster. | string |
"latest" |
no |
gke_maintenance_start_time | UTC time for the maintenance window of the GKE cluster. | string |
"04:00" |
no |
gke_node_pools | Node pools to be created for the GKE cluster. | list(object({ |
n/a | yes |
gke_private_cluster_enabled | Flag to either enable private endpoint and nodes, or use regular public endpoint and nodes with public ips. | bool |
true |
no |
gke_regional_cluster_enabled | Flag to either enable regional (true) or zonal (false) mode for cluster. | bool |
false |
no |
helm_cert_manager_issuer_email | Email to be configured for Letsencrypt ACME notifications. (ignored with helm_deploy_enabled false) | string |
n/a | yes |
helm_deploy_enabled | Flag to enable or disable deployment of the helm-charts module into the cluster. | bool |
true |
no |
helm_external_nginx_ingress_enabled | Flag to enable or disable deployment of the nginx-ingress external ingress controller. (ignored with helm_deploy_enabled false) | bool |
true |
no |
helm_internal_nginx_ingress_enabled | Flag to enable or disable deployment of the nginx-ingress internal ingress controller. (ignored with helm_deploy_enabled false) | bool |
true |
no |
openvpn_users | List of the OpenVPN users to be created. (if list is empty, OpenVPN instance will not be created) | list(string) |
[] |
no |
prefix | Prefix to add to the resources. | string |
"starter" |
no |
provider_project_id | Project to be used within the GCP Provider. | string |
n/a | yes |
provider_region | Region to be used within the GCP provider. | string |
"europe-west3" |
no |
subnet_cidrs | Object with mappings for the subnet CIDRs based on the context. | object({ |
n/a | yes |
Name | Description |
gke_cluster_name | Name of the created GKE cluster. |
vpc_network_self_link | Self-link of the created network. |
vpc_subnet_self_links | Self-links of the created network subnets. |