An Ansible Role that installs Microsoft Exchange Server 2019.
- Turns the VM into Microsoft Exchange Server
- Users are can Test various CVEs including ProxyShell and ProxyLogon in a safe environment
# Add the role to your ludus host
ludus ansible roles add aleemladha.ludus_exchange
Available variables are listed below, along with default values (see defaults/main.yml
# This pulls the netbios_name out of the domain assigned to this machine in the ludus range config
ludus_exchange_domain: "{{ (ludus | selectattr('vm_name', 'match', inventory_hostname))[0].domain.fqdn.split('.')[0] }}"
# This pulls the vm_name of the primary-dc for the domain assigned to this machine in the ludus range config
ludus_exchange_dc: "{{ (ludus | selectattr('domain', 'defined') | selectattr('domain.fqdn', 'match', ludus_exchange_domain) | selectattr('domain.role', 'match', 'primary-dc'))[0].hostname }}"
# This pulls the hostname from the ludus config for this host
ludus_exchange_host: "{{ (ludus | selectattr('vm_name', 'match', inventory_hostname))[0].hostname }}"
ludus_exchange_domain_username: "{{ ludus_exchange_domain }}\\{{ defaults.ad_domain_admin }}"
ludus_exchange_domain_password: "{{ defaults.ad_domain_admin_password }}"
- vm_name: "{{ range_id }}-EXC-DC01"
hostname: "{{ range_id }}-DC01"
template: win2019-server-x64-template
vlan: 20
ip_last_octet: 2
ram_gb: 8
cpus: 4
sysprep: true
fqdn: ludus.domain
role: primary-dc
- aleemladha.ludus_exchange
# Get your config into a file so you can assign to a VM
ludus range config get > config.yml
# Edit config to add the role to the VMs you wish to make an wazuh siem server
ludus range config set -f config.yml
# Deploy the range and access the kali machine to start attacking
ludus range deploy
This role was created in 2024 by Aleem ladha.