This is the README file for the Python module hiegeo
, described in
the manuscript A new perspective to model subsurface stratigraphy in
alluvial hydrogeological basins, introducing geological hierarchy and
relative chronology by C.Zuffetti, A.Comunian, R.Bersezio and
P.Renard, Computers and Geosciences, DOI: 10.1016/j.cageo.2020.104506.
Hereinafter we report a brief "quick start guide". For additional information about how to install and run the provided Python scripts, please check out the full documentation from this link can be also downloaded as PDF, EPUB and also as a local HTML archive here.
is available at the Python Package Index repository. Therefore, in can be easily
installed (together with its dependencies) with the command:
pip install hiegeo
Alternatively, if you prefer to download the sources from in "edit mode" you can:
Clone or download this repository on your hard drive.
If required, unpack it and
cd hiegeo
.Inside the project directory, from the command line:
pip install -e .
To check if it worked, open a Python terminal and try:
import hiegeo
To test the package, move to the folder examples
and there, from
the command line, run one of the two provided demonstration scripts.
For example:
and hit <Enter>. On Linux you will probably need to give execution rights to the file, like this:
chmod +x