Version 1.0.5
This is a maintenance release upgrading all dependencies. Most notably, this project is now using .net 8 which features improved performance and smaller filesizes on the binaries (~40% smaller by my tests).
- Upgrade from .net 7 to .net 8
- Upgrade xunit to the latest version for the lib project's tests
- Added the workflows files in the solution items for easier editting
- Changed the C# language versions to default so it always uses the latest one from .net available
- Upgrade Avalonia to 11.0.6
- Upgrade Avalonia.Xaml.Behaviors, CommunityToolkit.Mvvm, DialogHost.Avalonia, DynamicData, MessageBox.Avalonia and Projektanker.Icons.Avalonia.MaterialDesign to their latest versions
- Adapted to the new MessageBox.Avalonia api