New options to enable or disable individual components of the plugin.
enableCompass --> option used to enable or disable the compass. Values accepted are true for enabling and false to disable. The default is true.
enableZoomControls --> option used to enable or disable the zoom controls. Values accepted are true for enabling and false to disable. The default is true.
enableDistanceLegend --> option used to enable or disable the distance legend. Values accepted are true for enabling and false to disable. The default is true.
Example of using the options when loading Cesium without requirejs:
var options = {};
options.defaultResetView = Cesium.Rectangle.fromDegrees(71, 3, 90, 14);
// Only the compass will show on the map
options.enableCompass= true;
options.enableZoomControls= false;
options.enableDistanceLegend= false;
cesiumViewer.extend(Cesium.viewerCesiumNavigationMixin, options);