A package is designed to produce SDMs and SDM visualizations as part of the 2023 EFH 5-year review. It is designed to be moderately flexible and can be expanded in the future, but for now assumes that abundance prediction is the end goal.
The most recent version of this package was built in R 4.4.1.
can be installed using the following code:
devtools::install_github("afsc-gap-products/akgfmaps", build_vignettes=TRUE)
devtools::install_github("alaska-groundfish-efh/EFHSDM@main", dependencies = TRUE, build_vignettes = FALSE)
# Development version - not currently recommended unless you are an active developer
# devtools::install_github("alaska-groundfish-efh/EFHSDM@dev", dependencies = TRUE, build_vignettes = FALSE)
This project requires the following packages. Bear in mind that the maxnet
package is still under development and changes occasionally. The akgfmaps
package must be installed from the afsc-gap-products org page.
# Packages
xtable, XML, raster, gstat, sf, stars, akgfmaps, ggplot, viridis, gridExtra, MASS, scales, labeling, maxnet, ENMeval, PresenceAbsence, mgcv
Sections of the analysis are included as separate scripts. The general strategy is to use the functions provided in Functions_Maxent.R
and Functions_GamModel.R
to produce models, abundance rasters, effects estimates, and other outputs in a standard-ish format. Then, the scripts Functions_LoadMap.R
and Functions_Ensemble.R
provide more general methods for mapping or plotting model outputs and combining inferences from multiple models.
- this script provides the functions for quickly using maxnet models.Functions_GamModel.R
- this script provides functions for conducting several operations with GAMs. The code has been tested with binomial, poisson, negative binomial, and ziplss hurdle models.Functions_LoadMap.R
- this script provides versatile functions for mapping or plotting the model types mentioned above. It also contains some functions used to set up data specific to the EFH program that are unlikely to be broadly useful.Functions_Ensemble.R
- this script provides functions designed to combine models and model products produced in the previous scriptsFunctions_Xtable.R
- this script produces a few standard output tables to summarize model or ensemble performance.Functions_akgfmaps.R
- this script provides standard functions to plot maps using the akgfmaps package that are of higher quality than those included elsewhere
Functions may be general or specific to a type of model
Function | Use |
FitGAM() |
Fit and term selection for binomial, poisson, and negbin GAMs |
FitHurdleGAM() |
Fit and term selection for ziplss hurdle GAMs |
MakeGAMAbundance() |
Produce a prediction raster from a GAM model and covariate stack |
GetGAMEffects() |
Produce covariate effect estimates and CIs for GAM models |
GAMStats() |
Produce jackknife estimates of relative deviance explained (slow) |
- The functions
are used internally by other functions, but are not strictly necessary for all users.
Function | Use |
FitMaxnet() |
Fitting and term selection for maxnet models |
GetMaxnetEffects() |
Produces covariate effect estimates and CIs for maxnet models |
MakeMaxEntAbundance() |
Produces a prediction raster from a GAM model and covariate stack |
MaxnetCoefs() |
Returns the number of coefficients pertaining to each covariate |
MaxnetStats() |
Produces jackknife estimates of relative deviance explained |
Function | Use |
RMSE() |
Calculated the RMSE for a set of observations and predictions |
PDE() |
Calculated the deviance explained (Poisson) from obs and preds |
CrossValidateModel() |
Conducts k-fold cross-validatation of GAM or maxnet models |
FindEFHbreaks() |
Returns the EFH breaks for a given abundance map |
MakeVarianceRasters() |
Produces raster of predicted variance based on CV folds (slow) |
Function | Use |
MakeEnsemble() |
Calculates the weights for a set a models based on RMSE |
ValidateEnsemble() |
Makes some basic validation plots and returns prediction data |
MakeEnsembleAbundance() |
Combines multiple rasters into a weighted average |
GetEnsembleVariance() |
Estimates the variance in ensemble predictions |
GetEnsembleEffects() |
Produces covariate effect estimates for an ensemble |
There are numerous plotting functions. The ones based on akgfmaps
are recommended.
First one will need to prepare any data and covariate rasters. Data should be organized in a data frame with columns for species and any covariates, offsets, etc. Rasters should be combined into a stack.
The functions are typically called top to bottom. Begin by fitting a model using FitGAM()
, FitHurdleGAM()
, or FitMaxnet()
. The resulting model is used with MakeGAMAbundance()
(or MakeMaxEntAbundance()
) to create an abundance raster, GetGAMEffects()
to estimate covariate effects, and GAMStats()
to obtain covariate contributions. Then one follows with CrossValidateModel()
to output a useful dataframe of both in-bag and out-of-bag predictions. This dataframe can be used to calculate PDE and RMSE. MakeVarianceRasters()
produces a variance map. FindEFHbreaks()
gives the abundance thresholds that define each EFH quantile. The final EFH map is made by passing the result of EFHbreaks()
to the cut()
function from the terra
All of the rasters used for the EFH 2023 Five-Year Review are stored on a shared drive at NOAA. For the purposes of the following example, the datasets are embedded in the package. For additional rasters and datasets, contact the package developers or submit a data product request.
For example purposes, we will used only the last years of data and only a few covariates. Note that this means that the map you produce will look different from the final map produced in the 2023 EFH 5-year Review.
Currently, the raster for this example is stored with the package, and is just called raster_stack
. You may eventually want to make your own raster stack and use it here.
data(region_data_all) # These are catch counts from the GOA bottom trawl survey
data(raster_stack) # This is a raster stack of covariates
region.data <- subset(region_data_all, year >= 2012) # Limit the timeframe to speed things up
region.data$sponge <- as.integer(region.data$sponge > 0)
region.data$logarea <- log(region.data$area)
raster.stack <- terra::rast(raster_stack)
names(raster.stack) <- c("lon", "lat", "bdepth", "btemp", "slope", "sponge")
gam.form <- formula("a_atf ~ s(lon,lat,bs = 'ds',m=c(1,.5), k=10) + s(bdepth, bs='tp',m=1,k=4) + s(btemp, bs='tp',m=1,k=4) + s(slope, bs='tp',m=1,k=4) + offset(logarea)")
# Note: to change the species/lifestage in this example, you can use any of the names in the columns of the region.data object:
poisson.model <- FitGAM(gam.formula = gam.form, data = region.data, family.gam = "poisson")
poisson.abundance <- MakeGAMAbundance(model = poisson.model, r.stack = raster.stack)
abundance.plot <- MakeAKGFDensityplot(region = "goa", density.map = poisson.abundance, buffer = .98, title.name = "Adult ATF", legend.title = "Abundance")
# Display abundance plot. Note: this may take a minute to render!
png("AbundancePlot.png",width = 8,height = 3.5,units = 'in',res = 120)
poisson.effects <- GetGAMEffects(poisson.model, data = region.data)
poisson.cv <- CrossValidateModel(model = poisson.model, data = region.data, folds = 10, model.type = "gam", key = "hauljoin")
poisson.preds <- poisson.cv[[1]]
RMSE(obs = poisson.preds$abund, pred = poisson.preds$cvpred)
PDE(obs = poisson.preds$abund, pred = poisson.preds$cvpred)
poisson.breaks <- FindEFHbreaks(poisson.abundance, method = "percentile")
poisson.efh <- terra::classify(poisson.abundance, poisson.breaks)
efh.plot <- MakeAKGFEFHplot(region = "goa", efh.map = poisson.efh, title.name = "Adult ATF", legend.title = "Percentiles")
# See note below; sometimes rendering this plot takes up too much memory in R and you have to save it to a file to see it.
# Note: If the map does not appear in a Plot window in R, you can see it by writing the file to a .png:
png("EFHMap.png",width = 8,height = 3.5,units = 'in',res = 120)
An ensemble is not presented here, as it would take too long and be too complex to organize in this document. However, here is a pseudo-code illustration of how an ensemble can be constructed from previously constructed poisson and maxnet models.
First one performs all the steps shown above from both models. Then use the RMSE values to get the weights.
MakeEnsemble(rmse = c(maxnet.rmse, poisson.rmse))
Fit estimates of the ensemble can also be calculated, though the ensemble itself can not be easily crossvalidated:
ValidateEnsemble(pred.list = list(maxnet.preds, poisson.preds), model.weights = ensemble.weights)
Then make a new abundance raster, which is just the weighted average of the consistuent abundance rasters:
MakeEnsembleAbundance(model.weights = ensemble.weights, abund.list = list(maxnet.abundance, poisson.abundance))
EFH can be made in exactly the same way as for the consistuent models:
FindEFHbreaks(ensemble.abundance, method = "percentile")
terra::cut(ensemble.abundance, ensemble.breaks)
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