This project provides a Web User Interface for the DAISY Pipeline 2, developed with the Play! framework.
The Web UI is versioned based on git tags. If you're on the v2.0.0
then the version used in the build will be 2.0.0
. If you're one commit
ahead of v2.0.0
, the version will be a SNAPSHOT version on the format
2.0.0-[commits ahead]-[commit hash]SNAPSHOT
If you're making a release version (not a snapshot version), make sure that your current commit has a git tag and that there are no changes in your project directory (staged or unstaged).
If you want to publish a snapshot version, simply run:
./activator clean universal:publish debian:publish
That will upload snapshot versions to sonatype.
If you want to publish a release version, you need to sign the files. The following are instructions on how to do this manually.
(We could possibly find out how to configure sbt so that it automatically signs the files for us, but for now this is fine.)
First we need to build and sign the files:
./activator clean universal:packageBin debian:debianSign
gpg -ab target/universal/*.zip
gpg -ab target/*.deb
gpg -ab target/*.pom
- Log into the Sonatype Nexus Repository Manager web interface.
- Click "Staging Upload"
- Select the upload mode "Artifact(s) with a POM"
- Using the "Select POM to Upload..." button, upload the
file - One by one, using the "Select Artifact(s) to Upload..." button
- Upload the
file, then click "Add Artifact" - Upload the
file, then click "Add Artifact" - Upload the
file, then click "Add Artifact" - Upload the
file, then click "Add Artifact" - Upload the
file, then click "Add Artifact"
- Upload the
- In the "Description" field, enter "A web-based user interface for the DAISY Pipeline 2."
- Click "Upload Artifact(s)"
- Click "Staging Repositories"
- Scroll to the bottom and click the "orgdaisy" repository that was created
- Wait for the repository to be ready; click "Refresh" until the repository can be released (Release button not disabled)
- Click the "Release" button, and "Confirm"
The Web UI is now published.
You will need to have publish rights to the DAISY group on Sonatype.
Ask the developers mailinglist if you don't have permissions.
Once you have permissions you need to create the file ~/.sbt/0.13/sonatype.sbt
with the following contents,
replacing with your username and password:
credentials += Credentials("Sonatype Nexus Repository Manager",
Merge with the master
branch if necessary.