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triangle-man committed Apr 7, 2024
1 parent 2a02fa3 commit 8646fe5
Showing 1 changed file with 53 additions and 156 deletions.
209 changes: 53 additions & 156 deletions exercises/
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Expand Up @@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ stateDiagram-v2
The “if” direction is the most straighforward. First, if such an $E$
exists, then $\text{null }S \subset \text{null }T$. (To see this,
suppose $v\in\text{null }T$; that is, $T(v)=\mathbf{0}$. Since $S(v) =
E(T(v))$ we have $S(v)=\mathbf{0}$ and hence $v\in\text{null S}$.) Now
E(T(v))$ we have $S(v)=E(\mathbf{0}) = \mathbf{0}$ and hence $v\in\text{null S}$.) Now
run the argument again, using $E^{-1}$ and conclude that $\text{null
}T\subset\text{null }S$. Putting those together implies $\text{null
}S=\text{null }T$.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -105,171 +105,68 @@ To do so, we will construct a linear map, $\tilde{E}\colon \text{range
}T\to\text{range }S$, that is both injective and surjective (and thus

Suppose $\text{null } S = \text{null } T$. We'll try to construct the
required $E$. (That will show the “only if” part.)

direction LR
state "W" as s1
state "W" as s2
V --> s1 : S
V --> s2 : T
s2 --> s1 : E

What _is_ $E$? The diagram above isn't great but maybe gives some
idea. Starting from $V$, one can get to $W$ by using either $S$ or
$T$. (Note that the diagram “duplicates” $W$ -- that is, $W$ appears
twice.) The two maps $T$ and $S$ might give different answers: $E$ is
the map which “makes them the same.” $E$ takes the element of $W$ you
got by following $T$ and transforms it to the element of $W$ you got
by following $S$.

Roughly speaking, the $E$ that we are looking for is “$`E=S\circ
Roughly speaking, the $\tilde{E}$ that we are looking for is “$`\tilde{E}=S\circ
T^{-1}`$”. That is, given some element of $W$, we “take it back to $V$
with $T^{-1}$ and then forwards again to $W$ using $S$.” Well, anyway,
that's the intuition -- but there are several questions to resolve.

First, $T^{-1}$ might not exist if $T$ isn't surjective. We can't “go
back to $V$” from elements not in the range of $T$ because there's
nowhere for them to have come from. We will need to fix that by making
up somewhere for them to go when acted on by $E$.

Second, $T^{-1}$ might not exist if $T$ isn't injective. That is,
it might be that there are _many_ elements of $V$ which are mapped by
$T$ to the same element of $W$. Then there is a choice of “where to go
back to.” Fortunately, it will turn out that this choice will not

So let's start with what we can do. First of all, since we know what
to do with vectors in the range of $T$, let's start by separating that
out. Since $\text{range }T$ is a subspace of $W$, it is possible to
write $W$ as a direct sum $W = (\text{range }T)\oplus Z$ where $Z$ is
some other subspace of $W$. (This is Axler 2.33.) What this means is
that there's a way to write any vector in $W$ uniquely as the sum of a
vector in $\text{range }T$ and a vector in some other subspace $Z$
which has no overlap with $\text{range }T$ (except the zero
vector). (The choice of $Z$ itself is not unique but we don't care
about that.)

To define $E$ we need to say what it does to any element $w\in
W$. First, using the decomposition $W = \text{range }T\oplus Z$, write
that element as $w=u+z$ where $u\in\text{range }T$ and $z\in Z$. To
define the action of $E$ on $w$, we may separately define the action
of $E$ on $u$ and on $z$.

Start with $u$. Since $u\in \text{range }T$, there must be some
$v\in V$ such that $T(v) = u$. Set

E(u) = S(v).
with $T^{-1}$ and then forwards again to $W$ using $S$.”

We must be careful! There might be _another_ $v'\in V$ such that $T(v')
= u$. The rule above makes sense only if $S(v) = S(v')$ for any such
$v'$. Fortunately, that is true. Indeed, if $T(v')=T(v)$ then
$T(v'-v)=0$; in other words, $v'-v$ is in the null space of $T$. But
by supposition this is the null space of $S$. So $S(v'-v)=0$ and
therefore $S(v)=S(v')$.

What about $z$? We will set
How do we make this more precise? Suppose we have some $w\in W$ that
is in the range of $T$. There must be _some_ $v\in V$ such that $T(v)
= w$. We'd like to be able to define $\tilde{E}$ by

E(z) =
\tilde{E}(w) = S(v).

we know what $E$ has to do on vectors in the range of $T$ (it takes
$T(\vec{v})$ to $`S(\vec{v})`$) so we need to ensure (a) the this
action is linear and (b) that it does something sensible on other
vectors to make it invertible. Our usual approach to saying what we
mean by “other vectors” is to choose a basis for $W$ that contains a
basis for $\text{range }T$.

That is: (1) choose a basis for the range of $T$, say $\vec{e}_1,
\dots, \vec{e}_m$, and then (2) extend to a basis for $W$, say
$`\vec{e}_1, \dots, \vec{e}_m, \vec{e}_{m+1}, \dots, \vec{e}_n`$. With
this basis, every element of $W$, say $\vec{w}$, can be written as
$`\vec{w} = \sum_i w_i \vec{e}_i`$, which is

\vec{w} = \sum_i w_i \vec{e}_i = \sum_{i=1}^{m} w_i \vec{e}_i +
\sum_{j=m+1}^n w_j \vec{e}_j

That is, every vector in $W$ can be written as the sum of an element
of $\text{range }T$ plus a vector not in the range of $T$.

So now, for $\vec{w}\in W$, define $E$ in the following way. Write
$\vec{w} = \vec{u}+\vec{u}'$, where $\vec{u}\in\text{range }T$. Since
$\vec{u}\in\text{range }T$, there must be some place in $V$ from which
this came: there must be some $\vec{v}\in V$ (not necessarily unique)
such that $\vec{u} = T(\vec{v})$. We'd like to set $E(\vec{u}) =
S(\vec{v})$, but we have the problem that the $v$ is not necessarily
unique. Fortunately, the only ways that there can be multiple
$`\vec{v}`$s with $\vec{u}=T(\vec{v})$ is if they differ by elements
of the null space.

That is, suppose $\vec{v}'$ is also such that $T(\vec{v}') =
\vec{u}$. Then $T(\vec{v}'-\vec{v}) = \mathbf{0}$; in other words,
$\vec{v}'-\vec{v}$ is in the null space of $T$. Therefore, by
supposition, $\vec{v}'-\vec{v}$ is in the null space of $S$. Therefore
$S(\vec{v}') = S(\vec{v})$ and so there is no ambiguity in setting
$E(\vec{u}) = S(\vec{v})$.

We are nearly done with the definition of $E$. We want to define
$E(\vec{w})$ for some arbitrary $\vec{w}$, where however we have
written $\vec{w} = \vec{u}+\vec{u}'$, with $\vec{u}\in\text{range
T}$. We know what we want from $E(\vec{u})$ (it's wherever $S$ takes
the vector that $T$ sent to $\vec{u}$) but what about $E(\vec{u}')$?
We could just send that to zero but that would make $E$
non-invertible. So instead let's leave it alone. In other words, $E$
is defined by
The only problem is that there might be _another_ $v'\in V$ such that
$T(v') = w$. The rule above will only make sense if $S(v) = S(v')$ for
any such $v'$. Fortunately, that is true! Indeed, if $T(v')=T(v)$ then
$T(v'-v)=\mathbf{0}$; in other words, $v'-v$ is in the null space of
$T$. But by supposition this is the null space of $S$. So
$S(v'-v)=\mathbf{0}$ and therefore $S(v)=S(v')$.

So we have constructed $\tilde{E}$ on any element of $\text{range
T}$. It is “go back to $V$ using $T$ and then forward to $W$ using
$S$, noting that it doesn't matter which element of $V$ you use.”

To show that $\tilde{E}$ is an isomorphism, we need to show that it is
injective and surjective. It would fail to be injective if there were
$w,w'\in \text{range T}$, with $w\neq w'$, such that $\tilde{E}(w) =
\tilde{E}(w')$. But this would mean that $\tilde{E}(w-w')=\mathbf{0}$
and therefore (by the definition of $\tilde{E}$) that
$\S(v'-v)=\mathbf{0}$ for some $v$ and $v'$ with $T(v)=w$ and
$T(v')=w'$. But _that_ means (since the null spaces are equal) that
$T(v'-v)=\mathbf{0}$ and therefore $w=w'$. So $\tilde{E}$ cannot fail
to be injective.

It would fail to be injective if there were some $z\in \text{range }S$
that is not the image of any $w$ under $\tilde{E}$. But it's easy to
find the required $w$: starting from $z$, “go back to $V$ using $S$
and then forward to $W$ using $T$” following just the same argument above.

We have shown that $\text{range }S$ and $text{range T}$ are
isomorphic. But to finish the argument, we must show that $\tilde{E}$
has an extension to $W$. That is, we need to find an $E$ with
$E|_{\text{range }T}\tilde{E}$.

Since $\text{range }T$ is a subspace, there is another subspace, say
$X_1$, such that $W=\text{range }T\oplus X$. (This is Axler 2.33, and
relies upon $W$ being finite-dimensional.) That is, one can find a
subspace $X$ such that any vector in $w$ can be written uniquely as
the sum of a vector in $\text{range }T$ and a vector in $X$. Likewise,
we can find a subspace $Y$ such that $W=\text{range }S\oplus Y$.

Now -- and this is not very satisying -- since $W$ is
finite-dimensional, and since $\text{range }S\cong \text{range }T$, we
must have $\text{dim }X = \text{dim }Y$. Thus $X$ and $Y$ are
isomorphic. So there is some invertible $\tilde{F}\colon X\to Y$.

Now we get to say what $E$ is. For $w\in W$, write $w = \tilde{w}+x$
where $\tilde{w}\in\text{range }T$ and $x\in X$. Set

E(\vec{w}) = S(\vec{v}) + \vec{u}',
E(w) = \tilde{E}(\tilde{w}) + \tilde{F}(x).

where $\vec{w} = \vec{u}+\vec{u}'$ and $T(\vec{v}) = \vec{u}$.

We _still_ have to show that $E$ is a linear map and invertible. To
show that it is linear is an annoying process of following through the
definition above for some $\alpha \vec{w}_1 + \beta \vec{w}_2$ (though
really it can't but be linear given that everything we have done is
linear). Why is it invertible?

$E$ is invertible if it is injective and surjective. It can't be
non-injective on the bit of $W$ that is not the range of $T$, because
we've defined it to be the identity there. Suppose there were distinct
$\vec{u}, \vec{u}'$, both in the range of $T$ such that
$E(\vec{u})=E(\vec{u}')$. That would mean that there must be
$\vec{v},\vec{v}'\in V$, with $\vec{u}=T(\vec{v})$ and
$\vec{u}'=T(vec{v}')$, such that $S(\vec{v}) = S(\vec{v}')$. But that
means that $\vec{v}'-\vec{v}\in\text{null }S$, and hence
$\vec{v}'-\vec{v}\in\text{null }T$ and hence in fact
$T(\vec{v})=T(\vec{v}')$ or $\vec{u}=\vec{u}'$, in contradiction to
the supposition. So $E$ is injective.

Is $E$ surjective? In other words, does every $\vec{w}\in\text{range
}S$ come from some $E(\vec{u})$? Yes: roughly, to find $\vec{u}$, go
back to $V$ (using $S$) and then forward to $W$ (using $T$): existence
and the required properties of $\vec{u}$ follow by running the same
argument above with $T$ and $S$ switched.

Well, that's the "only if" direction. The "if" direction is
easy. Suppose $\vec{v}\in\text{null T}$, say. Then $S(\vec{v}) =
E(T(\vec{v})) = \mathbf{0}$, so $\vec{v}$ is in the null space of
$S$. The argument can be reversed, noting that $E$ is invertible.

## Question 9

Suppose $V$ is finite-dimensional and $T\colon V\to W$ is a surjective
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