A tool to navigate the world of office ping-pong competition.
Based on aspnet-starter-kit-2.0, without Redux.
✓ Component-based front-end development via Webpack and React (see webpack.config.js
✓ Static type checking with TypeScript
✓ Universal cross-stack routing and navigation history
(see client/routes.tsx
✓ Hot Module Replacement (HMR) /w React Hot Loader
✓ Lightweight build automation with plain JavaScript (see run.js
✓ Cross-device testing with Browsersync
- OS X, Windows or Linux
- Node.js v6 or newer
- .NET Core and .NET Core SDK
- Visual Studio Code or your prefered IDE.
Step 1. Clone the latest version on your local machine by running:
$ git clone -o navwrist-web -b master --single-branch \
https://github.com/flipdoubt/navwrist-web navwrist-web
$ cd navwrist-web
Step 2. Install project dependencies listed in project.json
files using Yarn:
$ yarn install # Install both Node.js and .NET Core dependencies
Step 3. Finally, launch your web app:
$ yarn start # Compile and lanch the app
The app should become available at http://localhost:5000/.
See run.js
for other available commands such as node run build
You can also run your app in a release (production) mode by running node run --release
, or without
Hot Module Replacement (HMR) by running node run --no-hmr
Style with BulmaJavascript data model- Database via entity framework
- Put player
- Put completed game
The slightest bit of functionality- Add player UI
- Start current game via drag-n-drop
- Add points in current game
- Win game
- Calculate player ranking