A rooted-pagerank based link recommendation system for directed graphs. Specific app which scrapes github and recommends people to follow.
- Flask-based web server, and Bootstrap as frontend.
- Uses Personalised or Rooted Pagerank to find rank prospective *folowees*
- The rank of kth node is obtained based on the kth element of the eigen probability vector for the random walk with teleport to root matrix.
- networkx used for graph operations, and numpy for solving for the eigenvalues.
Needs python3 and venv submodule. Run setup.sh
Run start.sh. Visit
Scraping data from github takes time for slow connections. So program caches user's networks in the data/ folder. If such a file exists, it does not scrape data. This means that the recommendations will not change even if changes occur in the github network. Delete the data file for updation.
The app is NOT secure, and does not handle all possible paths well. Misuse is not supported.