This solution takes Test-Driven Design to heart:
- tests are written first - even if they don't compile initially (because classes, methods, etc. do not exist yet)
- non-test code is only written because either it fixes a failing test or as part of a refactor step
- there are no
methods/entry points: even the solutions (for the AoC private/custom inputs) are generated as test cases (however the private inputs are not stored in this public repo because of this)
Some quick test stats (after day 25):
Number of tests: 1245
Code coverage: 98%<
Time to run tests: ~3.5 minutes
(as mentioned above these include even test cases that generate the actual solutions for the AoC inputs)
The full reports are also available: test report and test coverage report.
About the tech stack:
- Kotlin 1.9.22
- Kotest for testing
- JVM 21
- Gradle 8.5
- Intellij 2023.3.2 with latest stable Kotlin and Kotest plugins
Kotest has a rich set of features including multiple
different testing styles.
Different days sometimes use different styles because I was experimenting with them.
After a while I settled for the default style.
Also using Table-driven testing when running the same
test with multiple data sets.