Version Burndown Charts Plugin create burndown chart graph for scrum from ticket’s estimated hours and %Done in target version.
The start date of the burndown chart is assumed to be earliest start date in the ticket in the version.
The line of performanse is calculated by the completion date of the ticket (by journal file) and the ticket’s estimated hours and %Done.
Download open_flash_chart 2.1.1.
Unpack and move into vendor/plugins.
Rename the plugin directory to open_flash_chart.
If you want to get from Github, please use following command. cd ${RAILS_ROOT} ./script/plugin install git://github.com/pullmonkey/open_flash_chart.git
Copy files from open_flash_chart/assets/* to RAILS_ROOT/public
Download Version Burndown Charts.
Unpack and move into RAILS_ROOT/vendor/plugins.
Rename the plugin directory to redmine_version_burndown_charts
* If you want to get from GIthub, please use following command.
cd ${RAILS_ROOT} git clone git://github.com/daipresents/redmine_version_burndown_charts.git vendor/plugins/redmine_version_burndown_chart
Restart Redmine.
Login and configure the plugin (Administration > Roles and permissions > Permissions report)
Configure the project (Project > Settings > Modules).
Create version and set due date.
Create ticket and set start date, estimated hours.
Logged ticket status…
Click to version burndown charts menu.
I tested this plugin Redmine 1.1.2 + MySQL5.1.
Adjust Perfect Line straight.
Added Upper and Lower line.
Modified caluculation logic that only use child issue’s value.
Modified meaning of done. This plugin use “% Done” value.
0.1.0 feature made by asura(github.com/asura). Thank you!
I tested this plugin Redmine 1.0.5 + MySQL5.1.
Added feature: Perfect Line
I tested this plugin Redmine 0.9.2 + MySQL5.1.
This plugin is licensed under GNU General Public License version 3.